Questions tagged [self-signed-certificate]

A self signed certificate is signed with its own private key instead of the private key of a higher or publicly trusted certificate authority (CA).

130 questions
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How to make wget trust my self signed certificate (without using --no-check-certificate)?

Ubuntu 12.04 OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Wget 1.13.4 My setup: create our own CA (our_own_ca.crt) generate a certificate which is signed with the above CA (graphite.local.crt) Concatenate that cert and the CA cert into a bundle file Nginx…
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Powershell self-signed certifcate private key not exportable

Using Powershell, I'm attempting to create a self-signed ssl certificate with a private key that can be exported. I've read and followed various tutorials, however the end result is always that no private is exported. I'm using Powershell because…
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cannot trust development https self-signed certificate in ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS

I created a rest api project and I'm tring to access the https endpoint using curl like this: $ dotnet new angular $ curl -I -X GET 'https://localhost:5001/api/SampleData/WeatherForecasts' curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local…
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RSA/Machine keys broken on new 1809

When deploying an image of 1809, slipstreamed with any updates from January 2019 onward I'm having issue where the permissions are broken on the RSA\MachineKeys located here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys The symptoms are that the…
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What is the use of SigningCertificate in AWS Cognito

I'm using AWS Cognito for my user authentication. I want to know the actual use of SigningCertificate in AWS cognito? NOTE: We can get the SigningCertificate of AWS Cognito usign this GetSigningCertificate API. We are passing the UserPoolID in API…
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Issue with generating self-sign certificate with proper SAN field

I am trying to configure Janus Gateway and I am experiencing with an issue with my self-signed certificate, see log below Jan 25 09:50:46 localhost platform: [2018/01/25 09:50:46 EST] [EROR] /api/v4/webrtc/token:WebRTC.Token code=500…
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OpenSSL self-signed certificates, Windows 10 laptops, and "This certificate has an invalid digital signature" error

I have the following: OpenSSL-generated, Self-signed Internal CA cert OpenSSL-generated Internal-CA signed, wildcard cert This cert protects our internal websites. e.g. "" In this example, the wildcard cert has the…
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Revoked certificate still valid

I've recently setup a new domain joined Standalone CA on a Windows 2012 R2 server which is publicly accessible and authenticating fine, however, revoked certificates still appear to be authenticating. The actual server-side revoke process works fine…
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Untrusted publisher for Powershell profile modules after creating, installing, and signing with certificate?

I'm still getting untrusted publisher after creating a self-signed certificate and installing it on a system, when trying to run my Powershell Profile sub modules? Do you want to run software from this untrusted publisher? File…
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sign keytool generated cert/key pairs using easy-rsa openvpn intermediate CA

I am creating root and intermediate CA with easy-rsa using ./build-ca & ./build-inter commands consecutively. Now, I want my root ca as offline and I want my certs/keys signed by intermediate CA. I am generating cert/key using keytool. When I am…
3 answers

How do I trust a self signed certificate?

I've generated a self signed certificate using openssl - it's entirely self signed and not signed by a self signed CA. I've imported it successfully into the nss database for use by browsers. I now want to trust it globally, so that tools like wget,…
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install self signed cert on user computers

I'm currently running a test Sharepoint 2013 server. Not all users are within the internal network. They can bypass the self signed cert warning for Sharepoint easily but the Office Web Apps cert warning is not as easy to bypass. Is there a…
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How does load balancer verify self-signed certificates from the server

In my application, I have multiple instances of the server running behind a load balancer. Usually, SSL offloading takes place at the load-balancer in the case of AWS Application Load Balancers, and the connection between the ALB and server…
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Which clients support self-signed certificates with DANE?

We've been considering to make more use of DANE as a decentralised authority for our certificates. Especially with S/MIME. However, the key obstacle is... how widely are DANE treated as an authority with mail clients? Is there a list with all the…
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How do I add certificates to Kubernetes to allow images to be pulled from a custom Harbor repository?

I am finding all sorts of walkthroughs on how to add certificates to be used in the pods themselves, but I can't seem to find info on how to setup Kubernetes to allow a self-signed cert for pulling images from a Harbor instance running inside the…
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