Questions tagged [self-signed-certificate]

A self signed certificate is signed with its own private key instead of the private key of a higher or publicly trusted certificate authority (CA).

130 questions
1 answer

Requirements for certificates to sign PDFs in Adobe Reader?

I'm trying to set up PDF digital signatures using certificates generated by openssl. I have generated a CA certificate, and used that to sign end user certificates, which I archive in PKCS#12 format. I have imported and trusted the CA certificate in…
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Trusting a Self Signed Certificate on RHEL7

I'm running into an issue where I'm trying to import a self-signed certificate of one of our servers to one of our development boxes. I've tried adding the .cer file from the server to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source (and have tried /anchor as well) then…
2 answers

error when trying to add custom extensions to X509 certificates using openSSL

I am trying to add custom extensions to my self-signed certificate. I tried the following openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -extfile myconfig.cnf -extensions v3_req Error is unknown option…
brain storm
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How to avoid HSTS error by hosts redirect with self-signed certificate?

I created this records in windows hosts file where - ip of my server [a,b,c] - domains wich from i need to get redirect to my server So, how i need to…
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Self signed certificate is still trusted after revocation

I have create Root CA and Server Certificate following didierstevens blog. My browsers still trusts the certificate even after revoking the server certificate. I was getting certificate revoked error message for my old CA and certificate. I followed…
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Do I need mutlipe certificates for mutliple services running

I did a lot of research on this but still I am confused about how many certificates I need to self-sign for each of my services running on my private server. Here is the deal: I am creating my own server on raspberry Pi (raspbian~debian) to run my…
3 answers

How do I use a self-signed certificate with an Apache server linked to a dynamic DNS service?

I have a Linux Apache web server running ownCloud set up. I wish to use a dynamic DNS service (such as No-IP Free) with this server because my public IP address is not static. I also wish to use a self-signed certificate (I know of the risks) with…
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I have ASP systems and APIs hosted on IIS, some of these sites need to bind with HTTPS. In order to bind them, I use a Self-Signed Certificate. The issue is that Browser considers it as untrusted and shows certificate invalid errors. This is from…
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How to have good SSL/TLS certificates without proxying through cloudflare?

I currently have a site hosted on my local raspberry pi, and I have my domain registered through cloudflare. I would also like to be able to use PiVPN to access the contents of the VPS when I am away away from home. Unfortunately the CF proxy only…
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Installing self-signed certificate on tomcat

down vote favorite The question: I have an application running under tomcat which calls another application under the same tomcat via a gateways which has a self signed SSL certificate installed. When you call the link from your browser it warns you…
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