Questions tagged [selenium]

Selenium is an open source, cross platform framework for automatic testing of web applications.

45 questions
1 answer

Selenium server causes crazy load on box - how to prevent?

I'm running this linux: Linux 2.6.32-220.4.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jan 24 02:13:44 GMT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux And I run the Selenium stand-alone server on my box with this command: java -jar…
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3 answers

Running Selenium RC Headless via init script: Can not start firefox

I am trying to start selenium and the headless Xvfb X server using a init script and the daemon tool. But when I start my environment using this method, Firefox fails to launch. It looks like it can not find Firefox 2 and then stops. When I start…
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connect to xvfb remote to fix firefox headless crash?

I have firefox running in xvfb (for nagios monitoring with selenium) but firefox crashes on me since today in ps: /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.17/crashreporter /tmp/customProfileDira27173dd39e4467.... how can I see/fix the crashes?
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How Can I Configure Selenium grid to test website in parallel?

I want to use selenium grid for my web page testing. I have successfully installed the demo of selenium grid on my PC and it is running fine. I have followed this link to install and run the selenium grid demo. I am trying to code a java program…
0 answers

Selenium WebDriverException: Message: address not available, when running Django test on jenkins server

I have running docker an AWS EC2 instance. Using docker-compose, I have jenkins running in one container. I have a jenkins pipeline which checks out my repo ( which is a Djano application, with a docker file ). My pipeline then builds the docker…
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Can't connect to SQL through Virtual Machine when running Selenium Tests

To preface the back story one day i just booted my VM and i couldn't run the test. We had it set up to run prior and everything was fine. The setup we have currently is that i am running my local instance, SQL Server DB on my host machine and have…
Matthew Land
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Can't get HTML using PhantomJS and selenium driver from a debian server

I am developping a python program that uses selenium (webdriver python bindings) and PhantomJS (headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API) to load and interact with websites. When I use this program on a local ubuntu computer/network it loads…
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How do I view an X display on a remote host from OSX

I'm running an X server in a under xvfb in an Ubuntu 14.04 Virtualbox VM. The X display is used to run Firefox and Chrome for some Selenium tests. I want to be able to view the contents of this display in real-time from OSX, to debug these tests. Is…
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How to watch firefox/chrome running headlessly [under xvfb] on remote headless machine?

I have my selenium tests running on a jenkins server installed on a ubuntu headless machine [remote on AWS] using xvfb buffer, there are times when the tests gives false failures may be because of resolution/time/configuration issues but they just…
1 answer

Jenkins hangs when trying to start Selenium Server

I am trying to run a test suite using Jenkins and to start the Selenium Server. In the job configuration, as a build step I have included: When the command is executed, Jenkins hangs at a certain point and does not continue. + java -jar…
Valentin Despa
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1 answer

Firefox instance started by selenium occasionally becomes unresponsive

I'm running a web application under Tomcat 7, Ubuntu 14.04 that starts an instance of Firefox (currently version 29) using the Java Selenium driver to take screenshots of simple locally defined web pages. Occasionally, Firefox becomes unresponsive. …
0 answers

TeamCity sends inadequate responses after Selenium tests

I have a TeamCity 7.0.2 at CentOS 6.2 server without X Server. I've installed x11-fonts*, xvfb, firefox, xauth, extracted env. variable DISPLAY=localhost:1, and started xvfb. After that I could start Selenium tests using maven. Tests are executed,…
Dmitriy Sukharev
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0 answers

Problems registering Selenium nodes on Hyper-V

Using Selenium Grid 2. Hub is running on the Hyper-V host and is listening to port 4444. I've confirmed this by browsing to it from a different PC, and by using netstat -a -t -o. However, my guest VMs cannot connect to port 4444 on the host. They…
Roger Lipscombe
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1 answer

(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2) while trying to run Xvfb on centos

I'm trying to set up a Selenium tests on a CI server (Jenkins). It runs on Centos 5 and has no monitor. For Selenium tests I need a way to run Firefox so I've had Xvfb installed. I'm using selenium-maven-plugin to start the Xvfb.
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Init Selenium RC on headless server

as described in [1] running Selenium RC on a headless Linux is pretty easy to achieve. Essentially this requires these commands: $ Xvfb :99 -ac & $ export DISPLAY=:99 $ java -jar selenium-server.jar & So how can I provide this right after the…
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