Questions tagged [scripting]

A form of computer programming that — in the context of system administration — lends it self well to automating tasks.

A form of computer programming that — in the context of system administration — lends it self well to automating tasks.

Scripting is usually done in a scripting language. Such scripting languages are often dynamically typed and interpreted, as opposed to compiled languages. Examples of such languages include PowerShell, Perl and Bash.

1802 questions
3 answers

listing file with for loop using array and if

I've written a script to check files in different directories and want this script to show me error in case a file does not exists. But It show me Both ERROR and NO ERROR due to loop. ow to adjust so that i could get only ERROR or NO ERROR in case…
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Using powershell to gather disk used into a sql table

I have a script which connects to a db to get a list of servers to query and then queries them for disk space using a wmi query. Now I'd like to get these results into a table. I've run into a few issues. invoke-sqlcmd is a pain in rear to use…
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Scripting Extended Attributes in Active Directory

here's my scenario. We are looking at installing an application which will extend the AD schema by adding a single attribute to the user class. We then need to bulk upload a value into this field for 1000+ users. Normally I do a dsquery user script,…
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1 answer

How can I enable internet sharing without using the gui or apple script on snow leopard?

for some rather strange reason my sharing preferences tab crashes (it's a long story and there seems to be no good solution for it, it's looking for a ui object that no longer exists). Anyway, I want to enable internet sharing to share my macbook's…
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Create a shortcut to users desktop and enable it for offline files, through script or GP

What I would like to do is have a shortcut on the desktop of all users that takes them to a network folder containing files. Easy enough to do. The part I am wanting to add on is to set it for offline files. So the shortcut gets created and…
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Setting up individual accounts to a SQL Server

I am attempting to setup a MS 2008 sql server that would allow many users access to there own private databases. I would like the adventure works databases installed on all of these as well. My question is there an easy way to script this task of…
3 answers

Retrieve a user's Exchange database in powershell

I've scoured the interwebs for a few days now off and on to find this. I am creating a powershell script for email-enabling new user's(Exchange 2007). To give you a little background when we have a new hire, their AD account is created at our…
Paul Masek
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Administering user accounts on an ftp server remotely via script, webservice or similar

We want to be able to create FTP users and assign rights to specific folders and revoke them again remotely by means of an automated process (running a script, calling a webservice or similar). What solutions can you suggest? OS is undecided.…
Ola Eldøy
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1 answer

short script to read and create matching directories

I need to do a z:\music\: dir *flac* to get a listing of directories... (they are named Artist - Album [flac]) and from that list of directors, create new matching directories, but replace the [flac] part with [mp3] I can do this from linux, or…
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1 answer

What is preventing Amazon's Route 53 from picking up my EC2 instance tags?

I have a number of Amazon EC2 instances, all running Ubuntu, which I'd like to configure to use Amazon's Route 53. I setup a script, following Shlomo Swidler's article, but ran into script-related issues, which were answered here. Now, I have the…
2 answers

Attempting to update Amazon Route53 using a script, but domain is not being updated

I have several Amazon EC2 instances, running Ubuntu 10.04, with which I'd like to use Amazon's Route53. I setup a script as described in Shlomo Swidler's article, but I'm still missing something. When the script runs, it doesn't return any output,…
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3 answers

Run python script automatically on apache server

I have a hello world script written in python called I am using apache on a windows machine, and I'd like the script to run automatically, whenever I enter something like http://localhost/ Can someone please tell me how to do this ? PS: If…
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1 answer

List and compare objects in active directory

I have to clean up computer objects in our AD, and as all computernames has the username included (like pcuser1, nbuser2 and so on), I'm trying to figure out how to generate a complete AD userlist and then compare it to a complete computername list.…
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1 answer

GPO user script on Win7 doesn't seem to get executed

We recently implemented outlook signature distribution software that requires a script to be run, but because this script has a password in plaintext I decided to convert the script to a .exe file (not the safest, but our users won't understand…
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2 answers

Discovering proxy servers

I work at a datacenter and work on servers in various global locations. We have about 10 proxy servers and no good way to know which proxy server to use on which server/domain/vlan ect... Don't ask why as I have and have been told "go ask…
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