Questions tagged [sccm-2007]

32 questions
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SCCM 2007 Powershell "Update Collection Membership"

Is there Powershell command/script that can be setup to run an "update collection memebership" on a specific collection and subcollections? If not Powershell another way besides right click on Collection and manually run an update collection?
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LocalSystem account not recongizing FQDN as intranet, causing open file security warning when deploying from SCCM 2007

I have spent the last two days reading and trying every solution online, but I cannot figure out the best way to approach this. We use SCCM to deploy packages and it uses the localsystem account to install the software when run as administrator.…
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SCCM migration to SCCM 2012

I am trying to plan a migration from SCCM 2007 to SCCM 2012. I am unable to find if I can migrate the Forefront from SCCM 2007 in SCCM 2012, or if I will have to uninstall all agents and install new 2012 agents. If anybody has any information /…
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Is it possible to manually remove sccm 2007 client from WSUS server?

We have recently migrated to SCCM 2012 from our previous 2007 install and have already uninstalled 2007. The problem is that our WSUS server has both the 2007 and the 2012 clients in it's database and is trying to install both of them to client…
Bad Dos
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Effect of native mode SCCM site server signing certificate RENEWAL on non-domain computers

We have a native mode SCCM installation on our network. For security reasons, we have two servers that are NOT domain joined, but have the native mode SCCM client installed (and functioning nominally). SCCM just renewed the site server signing…
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SCCM 2007 R2 missing boot.wim files from OSD\Boot folder

I have just installed SCCM 2007 R2 and when I went to deploy an OS i found that there is a problem with the boot.wim...There isnt one in the osd\ folder on the SCCM server. I then tried to use other WIM files and they all failed with "Error: Errors …
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SCCM Windows Update do not apply outside of Maintenance windows after deadline is reached

I have a collection with Maintenance Window of 2 AM to 4 AM. I am pushing windows updated with deadline behavior "When the installation deadline is reached, allow the following activities to be performed outside the maintenance window." Option…
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sccm 2007 agent fail to install on windows xp client machine even after manually tried to install agent

We have about 1000 client machine with XP SP3 in our network. As you know Microsoft stopped supporting XP. now we cant install SCCM 2007 agent on our xp machines remotely. because windows update agent are not up to date in these machines. But my…
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SCCM 2007 Check Task Sequence Progress Programmatically

I'd like to be able to query the "status" of a Task Sequence in SCCM 2007. SCCM comes with some semi-sophisticated reporting, among which is one entitled History - Specific task sequence advertisements run on a specific computer. This report…
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Different Versions of SCCM 2007 Clients Installed Throughout the Environment

I want to know why is it that I see multiple SCCM 2007 client versions installed throughout my environment rather than just one? I upgraded my SCCM 2007 server last year to R3 and most of my systems, about 3400 of them, show the right version…
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SQL Error When Running My "Find All Unused Packages" in SCCM 2007 Report Console

SQL Error When Running My "Find All Unused Packages" in SCCM 2007 Report Console Asked by: the_ratzenator I am trying to run an SCCM 2007 Report to find all unused Pacakges in my environment and I keep getting this error: An error occurred when the…
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2 answers

SCCM 2007 Secondary Site Distribution Point Packages Cannot Be Found

I created a Secondary Site using Kaido Jarvemets's PowerShell script from Codeplex which worked great and it is located here:"Automated Configuration Manager Secondary Site server with PowerShell". Then I used the built-in SCCM Copy Packages Wizard…
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SCCM 2007 Mandatory Assignment for a future date installs program now?

So I created an advertisment in SCCM and set a Mandatory Assignment to run in two more days, but the program started running on the clients already. I dont understand why it does this. Can someone explain this to me? Thanks
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2 answers

Export SCCM 2007 Query Results Via VBScript

I'm wondering if it's possible to export the results of a SCCM 2007 query via VBScript. If it is any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I know I can export reports through SCCM via VBScript by using the web-view of the report and faking the…
1 answer

SCCM 2007 Server Installation error: "Failed to download prerequisite components (0x80072EE2)"

During the installation process on a test Windows 2008 server, which is on a internal IP address, SCCM 2007 wants to download updated versions of some components. This can result in an error message that reads Failed to download prerequisite…
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