Questions tagged [saltstack]

The Salt Project, previously known as SaltStack, is a Python-based open-source configuration management software and remote execution engine.

Salt is an open source tool to manage your infrastructure. Easy enough to get running in minutes and fast enough to manage tens of thousands of servers and still get a response back in seconds.

Execute arbitrary shell commands or choose from dozens of pre-built modules of common (or complex) commands. Target individual servers or groups of servers based on name, defined roles, or a variety of system information such as hardware, software, operating system, current version, current environment, and many more.

Bring your servers up to a known configured state by writing simple lists of items and defining attributes on those lists.


See also the salt-stack tag on Stack Overflow.

277 questions
1 answer

restrict output from salt command only to those minions for which it is able to connect

When you issue a salt call from salt master (eg. salt '*', the output includes the minions that it is unable to talk to, with the hostname and then on the next line a message "Minion did not return." Is there a way to to restrict the…
Michael Martinez
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4 answers

How can I ensure only salt-managed files remain in directory and keep the diff clean?

Assume a directory like this: - etc/nginx/sites-available/ - hostA - hostB - hostC Where hostA and hostB are created by salt. hostC was created earlier by salt as well, but since than it has been removed from pillar and is no longer…
Tomáš Fejfar
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1 answer

SaltStack - Copy war file into JBoss 5.1 using SALT

Hi ServerFault community, I have a war file that I want to deploy in JBoss 5.1 via Salt. 'archive.extracted' module seems to not work. I've read in salt docs about 'jboss7.deployed' module but I think it will work only on JBoss 7? Upgrading from 5.1…
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2 answers

Salt dockerng.image_present returns missing Docker credentials

Am trying create a state file sls to make sure latest image is available before launching docker container using salt. my salt-minion version is 2015.8.1 and my docker-py version 1.5 prep sentry images: dockerng.image_present: - force: true …
Mo J. Mughrabi
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3 answers

How to get the public ip address of salt-minion from master?

root@I-Kod:/home/i-kod/Desktop/ass1# salt '*' network.ip_addrs { "I-Kod": [ "" ] } { "neha-HP-Pavilion-15-Notebook-PC": [ "" ] } { "Pavilion": [ "" ] } { …
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1 answer

Is there a reason to store a SSH private key in a Salt Pillar instead of a file as part of a State?

I have a set of systems (in AWS) that all need passwordless SSH access to one another. I've written a Salt state that copies a keypair (public/private SSH-RSA keys that I previously generated) and adds the appropriate entry to the user's…
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1 answer

Using SaltStack to create VPC on AWS

I am not sure if this is even possible as I have not found any documentation or information otherwise regarding how to do this: can SaltStack be used to configure and create new VPCs into a given region on AWS? If so can someone please point me in…
Brandon K
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1 answer

Migration from ansible to saltstack

We have a large AWS infrastructure which we manage and configure using ansible. I want to try and move our configuration management to saltstack. I've setup a server to be the salt-master and salt-minion in a smaller VPC that we have. I have done…
adele dazim
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1 answer

Authentication of saltmaster against salt minions

I am just getting started with salt and I am wondering how the saltmaster is being authenticated against the clients. I know that when connecting a minion the master has to accept the public key of the minion and therefore no unauthorized minions…
1 answer

Deploying Virtual Machines Using Salt and Salt-Virt on Ubuntu Server

I am using Salt to provision machines, both physical and virtual, for my company. It would be really nice if I could also use Salt (Salt-Virt) to manage the various virtual machines running on my hosts, as the number/complexity of VMs is growing…
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1 answer

How to install nodejs and npm packages with salt on debian

I'm struggling to install a recent nodejs version and npm packages using salt on debian. Here is my salt state: nodejs-deps: pkg.installed: - names: - g++ - curl - libssl-dev - apache2-utils require: - pkg:…
Nicolas BADIA
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1 answer

hostname of minion in salt command

I'm fairly new to salt so it's possible that I just missed something, but I can't figure this out. I am using salt as a command execution tool (no config management so far). I couldn't find a way to fetch configs from minions with salt and put them…
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1 answer

Salt Returners Returning to Master

I have several servers setup with salt, I've been using the sqlite3 returner to record all my actions. This work fine, but rows only get inserted on each minions local database. How can I accumulate all of these records on the master?
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1 answer

Run command on Salt master before minion highstate

Is there a way to run a command (or state) on the salt-master whenever salt 'myminion' state.highstate is run, but before the minion's highstate is executed? The command is svn update or (svn.latest), so there will be files in /srv/salt available to…
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1 answer

easy_install a list of packages from a txt file with Salt

Salt already provides a pip state which can be used as: pip.installed: - requirements: requirements.txt I want to do the same with easy_install and with as minimal juggling as possible. I can understand that I can loop over a command output in…