Questions tagged [saltstack]

The Salt Project, previously known as SaltStack, is a Python-based open-source configuration management software and remote execution engine.

Salt is an open source tool to manage your infrastructure. Easy enough to get running in minutes and fast enough to manage tens of thousands of servers and still get a response back in seconds.

Execute arbitrary shell commands or choose from dozens of pre-built modules of common (or complex) commands. Target individual servers or groups of servers based on name, defined roles, or a variety of system information such as hardware, software, operating system, current version, current environment, and many more.

Bring your servers up to a known configured state by writing simple lists of items and defining attributes on those lists.


See also the salt-stack tag on Stack Overflow.

277 questions
2 answers

How to create a salt stack manifest from an existing machine

We recently lost our system admin. and I have picked up the task of ensuring that if anything bad happens we can recreate our VM's. The systems are FreeBSD various versions. Is there any way i can use something like salt stack, puppet, etc.. to…
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Can we remove dependencies when we change a state of a node in Salt?

I wonder to know if it is possible to install and remove packages when we change a state of node? To clarify what I mean here is an example: Groups: Load balancer Web server Database Nodes: Minion1 Minion2 Minion3 If we add Minion1 to the group "Web…
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When saltstack compacts output, how do you call that? Can you turn compacting off?

When you have deep nested output data in salt, you will sometimes see that some levels get compacted, like the example below. And this compact format with the pipe delimiter is already in the output datastructures before they hit the outputter. My…
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SaltStack - iptables icmp rule doesn't work

System: Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 (jessie) salt-master 2016.3.3 (Boron) salt-minion 2016.3.3 (Boron) Trying to add an icmp rule will result in an error message. init.sls INPUT: iptables.chain_present: - table: filter - family: ipv4 icmp: …
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1 answer

How to proxy SaltStack behind Nginx

By default, when installed, Saltstack uses port 4505 and 4506 to connect with Minions. But I can't open port 4505 and 4506 on Salt master server. Is there any way we can configure Salt master behind Nginx and have minions to connect master through…
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1 answer

Assign IP address using saltstack

How can I use Execution Modules and also State Modules to assign IP addresses to linux minions? It's simple to do this on minions using windows, I'm not sure how to do this for linux minions.
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RPM to DPKG: Underscore in Package Name

I have a custom RPM which I convert to DPKG using the tool alien. It works with one annoyance: The input is called "foo_bar.rpm" and the output is called "foo-bar.dpkg". We have a list of packages to install via automated configuration management…
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1 answer

Installing a package using Salt takes too long

I'm trying out Saltstack 2015.08 on my openSUSE Tumblweed x86_64 machine. I have a trivial local setup which ends up installing a single package: install_apache_2: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - apache2-doc However, this takes 50 seconds,…
Robert Munteanu
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0 answers

Master don't receive the minon key

Well, i installed salt-minion in some computers, but it just don't send any key to be acepted, i reinstall the salt-minion three times in each computer, and it doesn't work, somebody can help? No minions matched the target. No command was sent, no…
2 answers

Error when installing a WIndows application from salt master

I am trying to install Icinga via salt on a Windows server 2012 R2. I have created an icinga.sls file and stored it in /srv/salt/win/repo-ng. File contents: icinga: '2.4.7': full_name: 'Icinga2-v2.4.7' installer:…
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1 answer

sending command to salt from fail2ban

what I'm trying to do is modify my action.d/iptables-allports.conf: actionban = ssh 'salt '*' iptables.insert position=1 rule='-s -j DROP -m comment --comment " | | hits: | time:
1 answer

Salt: Read property file into Postgres database

I have a Salt script that, among other things, initializes a Postgres database. After initializing the database, I want to read some properties from a file, and do an INSERT (into a configuration table) for each key/value pair. I've seen Salt's…
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2 answers

How to install python module(s) via pip using salt?

I need to install the paramiko module of python on multiple machines using the salt stack. I looked at the documentation about how to do this, but was not able to understand the syntax. Can someone please explain me line-by-line what happens in the…
Kristof Tak
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3 answers

Terraform, how to provision droplet with salt-minion (masterless)

I've managed to get a local development server running with Vagrant, provisioning it with Salt in a masterless configuration. Now, I'm trying to take advantage of the existing salt states to provision a production server, but so far haven't figure…
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1 answer

Installing a gem using saltstack with --user-install option

I want to replicate the following step of a deployment in saltstack, as a given user: gem install --user-install bundler I checked the documentation and I was still unsure as to how to do this. I tried the following: bundler-install: …
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