Questions tagged [rpc]

A remote procedure call (RPC) is an inter-process communication that allows software to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute on another computer.

A remote procedure call (RPC) is an inter-process communication that allows software to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute on another computer without the programmer explicitly coding the details for the remote interaction.

128 questions
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Windows 10 remote tools not working, mmc, psexec etc

I'm having a problems on the network Some newer Windows 10 PC's (Win10 image from Dell), behave different, then older Dell PC's. They have the same service pack's and hotfixes, its something in settings. They don't accept remote administration…
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Why would a server in an AD environment allow Remote Registry access by FQDN, but deny and lock out accounts over IP address?

We have a situation where a software application cannot be installed because the admin account used during installation gets locked out during prerequisite checks. After some investigation, we found the cause: The prerequisite check looks at remote…
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Hyper-V Remote Management / Windows 10 client / Hyper-V Server 2012 R2

I've been struggling for a few days now with some crazy issues connecting to my 2012 R2 server via Hyper-V manager from Windows 10. Setup: Client is a Windows 10 Pro machine running v1903 Host is a Hyper-V 2012 R2 machine running…
0 answers

How can I connect to the SQL database in the cloud via MSDTC?

Objective: I am continuing the development of a legacy Windows Forms application by developing locally on my laptop. The app relies on MSDTC to connect to a SQL database. I want to host the SQL database in the cloud @ Azure. A VPN has been…
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1 answer

Usage of libvirt rpc protocol

Where libvirt rpc protocol is used? Is it used inside remote connection communication? I have read that it used between libvirt library and libvirt daemon.
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ejabberd 14.12 xml rpc enable

I've got problem with my new ejabberd installation. I need to enable mod xml_rpc, so what I do: I'm uncomment this in my ejabberd.yml file: ## To handle XML-RPC requests that provide admin credentials: ## ## - ## port: 4560 ## module:…
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Too many RPC connections make web socket closed

Several servers are connected via RPC. There are times when apps in OS have too many RPC calls, which causes the network to become closed. What is the best way to debug or configure my OS? "msg":"sending ping message: write tcp…
1 answer

Loading a performance DLL of a windows 7 service

I am trying to do a POC of recently published windows zeroday flaw where a vulnerability has been exposed in windows registry entries. I have created a performance subkey of a service RPCEPTMAPPER and set my DLL path there, however I am unable to…
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