Questions tagged [robocopy]

Robocopy is a command line file copy utility for Windows-based operating systems.

Robocopy is a Microsoft command line file copy utility that is built into Windows Server versions 2008 R2 and newer. Examples of basic functionality include directory mirroring, copying files over a network, restartable copy and multiple exclusion/inclusion flags.

272 questions
2 answers

Robocopy - Change Modified Date

I'm copying a file over to another directory and was wondering if Robocopy can change the modified date to the date it copied the file over in the new directory. I haven't been successful playing with the switches. Set Source="C:\Dir\ Set…
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How to sync web site files cross Windows Web Server 2008 R2 servers in realtime?

I have a web site generating files at runtime, this web site is deployed on 2 servers Operation system, Windows Web Server 2008 R2. I am looking for a manner to sync the changed and new files from one server to another, one-way sync. DFS-R, anybody…
2 answers

Copy Random files using Robocopy

Can we use robocopy to copy random x number of files from one network share to another in Windows server 2008/ Windows server 2003?
2 answers

Robocopy website deployment script log file name truncated in AM

This is an IIS website deployment script I started to write. It moves files from directory A to directory B and creates a log file with the date/time as the file name. When it's run in the AM hours, the time part of the log file name gets…
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Robocopy - include subdirectories of an excluded directory

I'm using Robocoy to transfer a directory and all it's contents. I use the following command as part of a batch file to copy the directories wile ignoring the images subdirectories. ROBOCOPY C:\source C:\destination /S /L /XD C:\source\images Most…
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Copy large amount of small files using robocopy from USB disk to SATA disk

Would specifying the /MT option in robocopy give me better or worse performance, when copying a large amount of smaller files (~10-150kB) from an USB attached drive to an internal SATA drive? Should I go all crazy and specify /MT:128? Both drives…
Tobias Hertkorn
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Checking the network connectivity stats for slow file transfer using Robocopy

I am trying to transfer a 6.5 GB file between two Windows Server 2003 machines on our network. Using Robocopy //sourceserver1 //destinationserver2 filname /z is making the file transfer crawl and after three hours of initiating the request the file…
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How to use robocopy and zip destination folders?

All sources are on windows OS, and destination backup is on Unix system (we are using Samba). My source repository is similar to : -Repository --Folder1 ---Files --Folder2 ---Files etc... I would like to get a destination similar to…
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8 answers

Robust file-copying utility

I'm looking for a file copy utility that allows me to control what files and directories are to be copied specifying rules like: IF source-file-date IS GREATER THAN target-file-date THEN overwrite IF source-file-size IS EQUAL TO target-file-size…
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1 answer

How do I know if robocopy skipped the file I am copying?

I am using a batch file to copy a database backup file using robocopy (on Windows 7/2008) and need to restore (with replace) the database only after the backup file is really changed (not skipped by robocopy). robocopy \\server\share . foo.bak /TBD…
0 answers

How to delete files in destination folder that are already present in source folder

I got two folders, a source S with files (and subfolders and so on): a.txt b.txt c.txt ... and a destination folder D with files: a.txt b.txt b1.txt c.txt c2.txt ... and I want to delete all files in D that are already present in S, so that D…
Thomas P
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Copy files from the same subdirectory to the same Directory in Windows

I am having a hard time describing the problem and I can't find the solution anywhere so here is an…
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How to merge two data sources with slightly different folder names

How can I copy all .msg files that are spread throughout some GUID sub-folders in one folder to another folder that has a slightly different folder name at the end. Is it possible? So for example: Source c:\Folder A\16-1167 Contoso 1 Hacker…
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How to copy with robocopy the time attributes without re-copying the files

I transferred the files to a new disk but found that files with the wrong year (1980) and these files I can't open with Photoshop. I would like to copy the time attributes from the first drive to the second without re-copying files. A large amount…
1 answer

copying many folders with not inherited permissions

So we have this folder with hundreds of user folders (not sure what they are used for but there is mostly Desktop, Documents and Favorites). We need to back them up to another disk, but the problem is that the ACL is not inheriting from above folder…
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