Questions tagged [rhel7]

Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7 is a Linux distribution sold by Red Hat, Inc. for the enterprise market. It is used for both servers and desktops. Although the binaries are not freely available, the sources are, and so there are numerous projects which provide compatible rebuilds of RHEL, such as CentOS and Scientific Linux.

464 questions
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Is it safe to rm /dev/wmi/dell-smbios?

I'm going though the STIG process on a RHEL 7.7 machine and ran across this finding: [root@localhost scripts]# find /dev -context *:device_t:* \( -type c -o -type…
Michael Hobbs
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RHEL 7.8 - Different behaviors between `service X start` and `systemctl start X`

I'm currently setting up a RHEL 7.8 tomcat service and I'm having trouble with the service and systemctl commands. Context: the following file was set up on /etc/init.d/tomcat: #!/bin/bash # # # chkconfig: 2345 20 80 # description: Start up the…
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Issues with seamless ssh connect via public key

I am trying to set up a seamless ssh connection from one server to another for the first time. While I think I managed to create a user and fitting rsa keys just fine, I can't actually connect via ssh, as it is giving me an Permission denied…
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How to have local custom domains for local mail server through postfix?

I have postfix in rhel 7.7 and in system I have users such as root, james, peter etc. My FQDN of server is and hostname is zwados. I need to send a mail from here from user to Now how can I…
Raghav Gupta
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Is there a way display cn=changelog in Directory Tree of OpenLDAP when exploring with and directory explorer like phpldapadmin?

I have configured my changelog to get logged using this procedure :This tutorial I followed to set up changelog Now I have a ldif that is logging the changelog. But the requirement is to be able to see an ou cn=changelog is directory tree which can…
0 answers

Tomcat does not shut down correctly with init.d script on system-shutdown - restart prevented

I want to start Apache Tomcat 7 on my Redhat 7 server (RHEL7) automatically at system startup. In order to do that, I did the following steps: creation of the following init.d script and make it executable (is working fine) place link of the init.d…
0 answers

ntp.conf stepout adjustments

I’ve been reading over ntp documentation and I’m not quite sure I’m wrapping my head around ‘stepout’. We have a large environment of Linux VM’s that require ‘tinker panic 0’ to be set. ntp is configured in slew mode (required) and VM’s will…
Michael Moser
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1 answer

RHEL7.7 How do I run "debuginfo-install kernel" when using a local repo that is an iso mounted locally?

I want to use "crash" to look at the kernel core. crash /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules//vmlinux /var/crash//vmcore But /usr/lib/debug/lib is empty and it looks like that directory (debug libraries) is populated with "debuginfo-install kernel" I have…
1 answer

Not able to access Apache welcome page in Azure

I have an RHEL7 on one of the Azure instance and I have installed httpd there. Now I am trying to access the url, which is like, but it is timedout. I tried to ping to this address, but it is also timing out.…
1 answer

How can MS Gothic font be installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server?

I am using xdocreport java library to convert .docx to .pdf, conversion is incorrect because my OS is missing some required fonts (MS Gothic). How can I install it on my OS? It's version is NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" VERSION="7.7 (Maipo)
2 answers

Microsoft ADV190023: How to force LDAPS on RHEL 7?

I am working in a company who works with an Active Directory domain, running on Win Server 2016. I have some Linux servers (RHEL6) AD integrated with Samba. I've read Microsoft will release soon an update Microsoft ADV190023, and I am working with…
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Execute a script while boot up in RHEL7, not working

I have created below script in RHEL 7.6, but unfortunately getting EXEC format error. When i execute the command from working directory it's working fine. below is the service file which was created at /etc/systemd/system/zauto.service vi…
2 answers

sudo user is not allowed to execute systemctl

I'm trying to allow a user to use sudo to manage a custom systemctl service, this however seems to fail and I can't figure out why. [root@testvm sudoers.d]# ll total 16 -r--r-----. 1 root root 334 Oct 9 15:42 20_appgroup -r--r-----. 1 root root 104…
Mark Visser
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2 answers

How to disable port 80 on IPMI console for a rhel server?

I have a requirement to disable http port for the IPMI console for a rhel server. Where should I start?
1 answer

Is there a failed external sftp connection log in RHEL?

I have a server using RHEL latest version. We have some vendor scripts that use sftp to grab files from another server. This script does not log results of the sftp commands (which is bad, but nothing we can do about that because of the licensing…
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