Questions tagged [request]

103 questions
0 answers

NGINX should not change the URL in the Browser Address Bar

I hope you can help me on the following matter. I have NGINX Running and want to forward to .html (virtual pages) to index.php?view=$args without changing the URL, which is shown in the Browser Address Bar (REQUEST URI) I tried it several times now…
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How to redirect to /index.php?/Test/ in nginx?

I have a nginx server. I want to redirect /index.php?/Test/ request to another server. I tried many example but I don't successfully. I used example: location / { if ( $query_string = "/Ajax/" ) { return 301…
1 answer

How to access X-Forwarded-For header on HAProxy behind AWS Loadbalancer

On HAProxy instances running on K8S I need to block certain IP addresses manually on HAProxy. Currently I am failing already to log them. Per the AWS docs the loadbalancers set the X-Forwarded-For request header and fill in the clients IP…
Jason Nerer
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Should the maximum number of request threads be similar to the maximum number of database connections?

I have a spring boot application with an embedded tomcat server. The max-threads setting of tomcat is currently set to 250. Next to that the spring boot application also uses a MySql database as the datasource. For managing DB connections its using…
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Haproxy monitor request response codes

Is there a way to monitor Haproxy response stats in the Browser. For example curl -x —>response 200 Is there a way to monitor the request response codes in the build in stats feature of haproxy? [enter image…
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Connection randomly timeouts

I had to develop an application that makes a request to an external web server and get the response back, sounds easy right? Well no. The problem is that not all the request I make to that server are correctly routed, by means sometimes the request…
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Guzzle's POST request timing out from server (locally works)

I'm trying to POST request my API, which is in a nginx server, from an apache server, but no response is obtained. Requests from localhost to the same nginx server work fine. But, when the same snippet is executed in the production server, we get a…
0 answers

Sometimes POST request from client to backend does not contain body

We run 2 different apps on Heroku. Both have an API written with PHP and Symfony and run through an Apache. One of the frontend clients is written with Vue the other with Angular. In the API we serialize command and query objects from the POST body.…
1 answer

Apache web server proxy pass and get original request server name in destination

Good day, I have the flow as follow: (public ip) --> ( web server --> ( java web app server In my Apache web server, I have configure the following in my httpd.conf: ProxyPass "/image.web"…
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Mikrotik: Add HTTP Header Parameter to Requests

I want to add a parameter of MikroTik to all HTTP header requests using MikroTik. So all client and servers that connected to the MikroTik can trace the parameter in their HTTP header. How can I achive this?
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Multiple request from a web server

First of all I think this is a common problem, but cannot find a really good solution; We have a web application, some of its request takes more than a minute. In the mean time we should be able to do more job with that application (for instance a…
Harun Baris Bulut
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Request object does not return correct host name

we have hosting for multiple domains and a background redirect algorithm. redirect function is in python and checks: in stead of returning or now host started to return about a couple of hours…
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Monitor where request come from

I'm looking to monitor where the people who are viewing my site come from in real time, is there a program or a tool that allows me to view a world map and blink where the city or country where the request is coming from?
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