Questions tagged [renew]

14 questions
3 answers

IIS 7.0 - SSL certificate - renew or new?

One of my SSL certificates (simple domain verification only) is about to expire on windows 2003 IIS 7.0 server. I got better offer from another vendor, and the guys who originally issued my certificate do not want to negotiate lower prices. Anyway -…
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How do I renew a Web Server certificate in Windows Server 2008?

The SSL certificate for my web site just expired a few days ago, and I would like to renew it. I originally issued it two years ago using my Windows 2008 Certificate Authority, and it's worked without a hitch in all that time, so I would like to…
Mark Seemann
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3 answers

LetsEncrypt certificate renewal failure

I tried to renew the certificate of my server. The current one has expired 1 month ago, but I didn't took care of it until now. I tried to use the letsencrypt-auto renew command but got a failure: Note: I changed the domain/user/server…
Dan K.
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LDAP expired SSL certificate

The SLL certificate on the LDAP server expired recently, making it impossible to ssh into other Linux machines who relay strictly on LDAP. Being a self-signed certificate, my understanding is that it cannot be renewed. Knowing that I need to…
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Renewing/Replacing SSL cert in Apache. Will browser display SSL changed warning?

My RapidSSL Certificate is about to expire and I need to renew it. From what I understand, I can use the existing signature (less secure) or generate a new request. In either case, once I install the new key, is there any chance that browsers will…
2 answers

Cons of renewing a production SSL on a development server?

I work Tech. Support at a web design company. Many of our past clients are hosted by another company ("Company X") but they renew their SSL certificates through us. We sell QuickSSLs from GeoTrust. We develop in .NET so all hosting is…
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renew a SSL cert on IIS6?

Originally asked at My manager ordered a new wild card cert for our website as our current is expiring in a few days. Now, I am stuck as I cannot figure out how to install it? It…
Keith Barrows
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How to renew a CAcert certificate in CentOS without annoying users?

My server is running GNU/Linux CentOS 5.5 + Postfix 2.3.3 + Dovecot 1.0.7. I got a mail from saying my certificate is set to expire in 45 days, so I went to the account to renew the certificate and got something like…
2 answers

Issue replacing SSL certificate with renewed one on Tomcat 6.0 (using keytool)

I have SSL up and running and in use with a Tomcat 6.0 webapp. Recently, the SSL cert (A VeriSign cert) expired , I exported a Certificate Sign Request (CSR) went through the process, and received a certificate file with the correct information. The…
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Force dhclient to always provide a unique IP from the available pool

I'm running RHEL 7.4 and the dhcpd is controlled by DD-WRT off my router. Tried to use: dhclient -r; dhclient -x; rm -f /var/lib/dhclient.leases; ip a; dhclient -v but it either returns the same IP or one of two IP's. I couldn't get it to return…
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Win 2008 - certificate renewing - I can't choose proper CA

I've got a problem with renewing server certificate: when I get to the IIS Manager => Server Certificates and when I try to renew right certificate, I can't find proper CA on the list - theres only Win 2012 machine and there should be also Win…
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Is there automatic SSL certificate renewal?

At the moment, I am replacing my SSL certificate every year, which means copying around keys and stuff. I could get a two-year certificate, then I would do this every two years. And having some customers who need this as a service from me, I thought…
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IIS 7 Certificate Cache?

We are using a GoDaddy issued SSl certificate for the site. Yesterday our certificate has expired and I have issued a renew request. I have renewed the certificate according to a manual on GoDaddy and have added a newly issued certificate to a…
Maxim V. Pavlov
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MIT Kerberos renew lifetime does not work

I am trying to figure out why my tickets only get a renewable life of 0 instead of 7 days as I specified. I tried setting both the max_renewable_life (as indicated in another question) as well as renew_lifetime to 7 days (7d and 856800) in my…
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