Questions tagged [remove]

64 questions
0 answers

I need help to remove mail attributes from AD LDS domain for Bulk Users

Where am I going wrong in the script here? It doesn't give me any error. But it doesn't remove $cred= get-credential "s2\svcfimadamadmapeu" $CSV= Get-content '.\input.csv' function UpdateADAMUserDetails { param( [string] $ADCN, …
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4 answers

Script to delete certain folders based on the time

I need to create a bash script that will remove folders containing backups for specific days. I need to KEEP following: a) files\folders created on FRIDAY @ 23:30 b) files\folders created on the beginning of month (1st of month) c) the most recent…
3 answers

What options do I have if my linux box is compromised?

Possible Duplicate: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY I have put all security meaures and log monitoring tools. Now but i don't know what to do if find out the there is some rootkit on my system. If i have live sites running on my system and i…
2 answers

Remove all files in directory except last 20

I have question why is my cmd for "removing all files in directory except last 20" not working within cron but in command prompt yes. * * * * * ls -1tr /home/testusr/test | head -n -20 | xargs -d '\n' rm -f > /var/opt/check.log 2>&1 Directory…
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