Questions tagged [remove]

64 questions
5 answers

apt-get does not remove initscript?

This day I tried to remove apache2. It's bundled with Ubuntu Lucid, which I don't need. I used apt-get remove apache2 to remove it. But somehow, the initscript was still there, in "/etc/init.d/". I tried the apt-get purge command, but the result was…
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1 answer

Automatically delete orphaned SIDs

Does someone know a tool that allows to delete orphaned SIDs on a fileserver without the need for any scripting?
2 answers

How to quickly remove a set of outdated packages?

I have a newly installed CentOS 5.7 machine and mistakenly installed PHP 5.1 when I needed 5.2+. Now I cannot seem to install PHP 5.3 (using "yum install php53") until I remove PHP 5.1. I found this tutorial, which has you type: yum remove package1…
Buttle Butkus
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2 answers

I cannot remove apache2. /var/www dir is still there. I can still start apache service

I have failed to remove apache2 from my ubuntu server. I did $ sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2 and $ sudo apt-get remove apache2 and $ sudo apt-get autoremove and when I tried to do $ sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2-utils I get dependency…
Mikkel Rev
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1 answer

What is the fastest delete method for many directory on Linux

I have to remove many directory. but rm -r /data is so slow ( about some days) /data has /data/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h .... many dirs Does anyone know?
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0 answers

linux /dev/sd? read failed

I couldn't find the answer to this anywhere, so I'm posting this in the hope it helps someone else... My scenario was linux system with an external drive that was connected (and mounted) was suddenly disconnected. I'm not sure why- it may have been…
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3 answers

Remove all files not working with "*"

I want to remove all files and folders in folder /home/user I'm using command rm -rf /home/user/* without success, next I tried: cd /home/user;rm -rf * Which gives the following output rm: cannot lstat `*': No such file or directory How do I…
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1 answer

yum remove doesn't remove things completely?

I am trying to remove apache completely from my server,which is a ec2 instance, running Amazonian linux v2.6xx. Lets assume I have a file in /etc/httpd/conf/xyz.txt I am using the following code : yum remove httpd when I try to cd /etc/httpd I get…
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2 answers

Remove a Linux user with only his UID

I would like to remove (or rename) an Ubuntu user I created but the usual solutions don't work as there is a question mark in the username. $ sudo usermod -l myuser my?user usermod: user 'my?user' does not exist I tried with the usual quotes and/or…
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0 answers

Removing low Battery Indicator in Ubuntu 20.04

I have recently installed Ubuntu on a mini pc with a zx8350 cpu. The installation recognizes the CPU as a laptop CPU and automatically displays the "low battery" indicator even though the machine is actually connected and powered by AC power. I…
Next Layer
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3 answers

SED to search for and delete ip with a partial match

I have various bash scripts that run, they scan log files for folks who try and make mischief, spam us and so on. I have been struggling with this for some days trying to figure this out. I have a text file with a list of with ip's I use sed to…
1 answer

Centos: How to revert to a revert back to an earlier version of a package?

I have installed version 6.4 of filebeat and then I decided to revert back to 1.3. So I used the command 'yum remove filebeat-6.4.0-x86_64.rpm', to remove it, when I try to install filebeat 1.3 I get the error: package filebeat-6.4.0-1.x86_64…
Nina Brown
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0 answers

Protect users from accidental delete

I am currently designing an incremental, rotative backup system for a remote filesystem to be accessed over SSHFS. There is this one aspect I still haven't figured out: Protecting the users from their own mistakes, from accidentally deleting some…
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2 answers

files with strange chars appeared in /var/wwwroot/html: why and how to delete them

In my /var/www/html many files with strange chars appeared suddenly. Below is a sample. Any idea why they appeared (attack ?, app dump ? file system error ?) and how to remove them (there are other files and content I need to preserve). All files…
1 answer

Does anyone know how to scan through a Java Keystore and remove all the expired certificates?

I have in the past made a list of all the alias's that were expired and then made a forloop in CMD to then go through and remove all of them but I was wondering if anyone knew of a perl script or anything that would both find the expired certs then…
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