Questions tagged [remove]

64 questions
1 answer

How to remove/clear 1000+ files with less CPU intensive cron

I have the following cron setup to clear the tmp folder: 0 0 * * * rm -rf /home/user/tmp/* >> /dev/null 2>&1 However I'm looking for a more efficient way which would be less CPU intensive as this would have to clear 1000+ files daily. How can I…
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How to remove the sound driver from CentOS 7?

I have a centOS minimal installed and it the sound drivers loaded. I would like to remove all the sound drivers from my server. How can I do that? following are the command outputs from my server. cat /proc/asound/cards 0 [AudioPCI ]: ENS1371…
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Are the packages from apt-get remove --auto-remove sendmail safe to remove?

Im trying to clean up the mess left by sendmail, My unix knowledge is extremely limited so I would appreciate some help with whether these packages are safe to remove, I have already run apt-get purge sendmail* and when I run apt-get remove…
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Can't remove mongod.lock

all. I want to remove mongod.lock. When I try sudo rm -rf mongod.lock I got this rm: cannot remove ‘mongod.lock’: Read-only file system Can anyone tell me how to force remove it? Thanks, Ami
Aminah Nuraini
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0 answers

Unable to Update-FileDistributionService due to old exchange server entry

I am getting following error when I a trying to update File Distributionservices as shown below. The error pops up with name of my old CAS server which means mailbox server still have entry. Please assist how to get rid of this. I want to remove…
1 answer

No such file or directory after rpm -e --nodeps packagename instead of command not found

I installed ethtool using yum install ethtool and then removed it using rpm -e --nodeps ethtool because when I tried to remove ethtool with yum it was going to remove a bunch of important dependencies like php, httpd, etc. When I run any command…
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How to remove a line in a file found in multiple directories

There is file that exists in each user profile directory and I need to remove the line from the file in each user profile directory. I'm using a batch script to go through each user profile directory, type the file, use findstr to not display the…
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One SQL, lots of SharePoint 2010 Servers, and lots of Databases to clean

I have a dedicated server running SQL server and many web servers running SharePoint 2010 installations. All the SharePoint web servers are using the same SQL server for storing/creating databases. As I know, When SharePoint is installed it creates…
Noor Khaldi
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Re-installing mysql and old database and users appear

I had installed mysql, mysql-server, and mysql-devel via yum: yum install mysql mysql-server mysql-devel I had created some databases and users and ended up breaking some tables, so I attempted to remove mysql so I could make a fresh install. I…
Mike Moore
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2 answers

Removal of old mail logs in ubuntu - rm or not?

I have a ubuntu server which handles mail via postfix. The server has recently been caned by spam emails and the mail logs are really large as a consequence. The logs are stored with timestamps and I was just wondering if I can just clear out the…
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how can I disable Apple's software updater in Win XP?

I installed some Apple software (either Quicktime or Safari) on my computer. I removed them both long ago, but I've been unable to disable those pesky "reminders" from Apple to upgrade my Apple software. How can I remove the updater from my…
Nathan Fellman
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Remove bunch of disconnected LUNs by shell script (regex issue)

Have a problem with my script, don't want to run same procedure 200 times with changing LUN number. Remove the multipath device from ALL paths to the LUN, run echo 1 > /sys/bus/scsi/devices/${H:B:T:L}/delete (Where H = host:B = bus:T = target:L =…
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How to delete a specific string from a line using ansible

I have some package added in yum exclude list in /etc/yum.conf and I want to remove a specific package from a exclude list example: exclude=java* exclude=kernel* java* exclude=java* kernel* exclude=kernel* abc* java* def* I tried to add # but that…
1 answer

How to remove git from a specific folder?

I have a CentOS 7 system. It has git 2.27.0 installed, but that install, for reasons we can't figure out, won't talk to our https gitlab instance. It keeps failing on "unable to find remote helper for 'https'". So, I attempted to upgrade git,…
1 answer

How to erase "about:blank" from URL with a RewriteRule?

Want to delete the about:blank from a URL How can I do this with .htaccess? I tried RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (about:blank) [NC] but it didn't work.
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