Questions tagged [remote]

"Remote" - the term could refer to resources, access, control, user, presence, etc.

"Remote" could refer to either the network resource availability (e.g. "the user can interrogate the information remotely"), the user access to a network resource (as in "server access authorization through a Remote Desktop Connection/Protocol"), or even the location of the user related to the network accessed ("A Teleworker is allowed to connect remotely on 2 days per week through VPN/Remote Access, if there is a home office space available and all the conditions are met to allow the worker to perform the expected duties remotely").

613 questions
1 answer

Problem connecting to remote registry on Windows Server 2003

Im having problems reaching remote registry on my Windows Server 2003, or at least that is what my backup/replication software supplier says. Any Idea on where I can start to troubleshoot? What rights might be incorrect, and where? Any port in the…
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Is it possible to capture traffic to the remote web server

I noticed that my user name and password is sent bare text to the remote server inside HTTP POST request. This is a sniffed packed from Wireshark POST /***URL*** HTTP/1.1 Host: ***DNS NAME*** Content-Length:…
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3 answers

How can I access to a folder as it was one on my own server but on a remote?

I need to provide to an application data in folder but this folder is on remote server. I know I can use NFS or SAMBA but I'm not a sysadmin, and I just know how to set up such mount point, as a client as well. Is there any easy set up to "share"…
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Dell OMSA Remote Enablement? What is it for?

I'm managing a group of Dell and HP servers the were put in service before I came into this group. My prior experience is with HP DL3x0 servers. There wasn't any remote management before I joined the group, but I've set up both HP SIM and Dell IT…
Randy K
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2 answers

Untar selected files in .tar.gz file from remote ftp server?

Lets say i have a big backup.tar.gz file in a remote ftp server. I needed some files from it but i dont want to download/untar all of it. Just specific files/folder. normally this is code to select files from a tar.gz file: tar zxf backup.tar.gz…
Ünsal Korkmaz
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Listing services on remote machine locks me out of the machine

I run a powershell command to list all of the services on a remote matchine: $b = 0; get-wmiobject win32_service -computer $computerName -credential $cred | select-object Name, @{n='Counter';e={$script:b+=1;$b}} | % "{0}: {1}" -f $_.Counter, $_.Name…
Andrew Shepherd
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1 answer

Remotely creating email accounts?

I'm the admin for a smaller company (with about 40 clients, running mac OS 10.4-10.6), and we are currently in the process of changing our email-setup from one hosted POP3-solution to an IMAP-based mail. Since the level of computer experience for…
Anno 1685
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10 answers

Remote Support Software Recommendations

Possible Duplicate: Best Windows remote support / screen sharing tools? What remote support software do you use? How much of your support is done remotely versus on-site? Any metrics your company is using to quantify the savings/profit remote…
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3 answers

Exim not sending email remotely

I am using exim4. I have configured and run it. But it only works for localhost. When i try to do something like this exim4 -v, it gives me the error of connection time out. What is wrong in sending emails to remote…
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Remotely Managing Windows Machines

So I'm curious about managing remote windows xp/or windows 7 boxes. Basically, I want to be able to lock the computers down so that junk doesn't get installed and disk space wasted (restart should set back to my settings) but I also want the…
1 answer

APC UPS-5000 Power off remote servers

I have a UPS connected via the serial port to a server using PowerChute Business Edition. If a power outage occurs I would like this server to start shutting down all other servers within the network. Is there dedicated software to do this? I was…
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What's the best way to telnet from a remote Windows PC without using RDP?

Three Networks: - Mine - My Branch Office - My Branch Office's VOIP VLAN. My PC is on I need to telnet into a Cisco router on The network has no routes to, but a VPN connects…
Rob D.
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2 answers

seamless mode remote desktop connection from linux to windows

I am a programmer using Linux as my main OS, however sometimes I need to use windows (ie, office, ea). I'm running qemu with kvm to access the windows "machine". I would like to achieve something that is described…
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3 answers

Remote File Copy - Win Server 2008

I'd like to copy backup archives from a remote server to my client machine. In the past, I've installed an FTP server on the remote machine and directed local server backups to dump into that directory. I'd then FTP in from my client machine. Just…
Scott Klarenbach
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2 answers

Windows Domain for Work-At-Home Consultants

We are a small consulting firm, with a need for a windows domain based network. Most of our consultants work either at home, or on-site. What would be the best way to provide a domain centric infrastructure to our staff? VPN would be used to connect…
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