Questions tagged [remote]

"Remote" - the term could refer to resources, access, control, user, presence, etc.

"Remote" could refer to either the network resource availability (e.g. "the user can interrogate the information remotely"), the user access to a network resource (as in "server access authorization through a Remote Desktop Connection/Protocol"), or even the location of the user related to the network accessed ("A Teleworker is allowed to connect remotely on 2 days per week through VPN/Remote Access, if there is a home office space available and all the conditions are met to allow the worker to perform the expected duties remotely").

613 questions
1 answer

Ubuntu remote access

I have two pc in a network, now I'm far away from that PC, so because of this I installed Teamwiever. At the moment I can reach one PC(on that pc is running windows 7), I can reach the other PC as well(running ubuntu) but I get only a black…
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Process starting under linux

Is there any way to start a process on a linux computer if I have ftp connection or network connection?
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connect to xvfb remote to fix firefox headless crash?

I have firefox running in xvfb (for nagios monitoring with selenium) but firefox crashes on me since today in ps: /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.17/crashreporter /tmp/customProfileDira27173dd39e4467.... how can I see/fix the crashes?
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How do I install Windows Service on remote server

How do I install Windows Service (msi package) on a remote windows server and configure its Logon options.
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RedisToGo - remote Redis server. When to use one?

I like the concept of relying on third-party service hosting my data but what's the point of using super-fast NoSQL storage via remote hosting? It maybe in different datacenter or even country! And network calls always cost a lot in comparison with…
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4 answers

How can I connect my Apple iMac to my company's VPN network?

I'm looking for the easiest way to connect to my computer and servers at work (all using Windows) from my iMac (using Mac OS X.5) at home, without having to use a VNC or LogMeIn. It's a small network using a Router with VPN. Thanks. Addition: VPN…
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remote ftp connection from remote server via WinSCP or a windows program?

I have a new server. The hosting gives me a ftp account for backing up the main server. My problem is, I can only connect to this ftp account from the server. I don't like surfing inside folders via putty. I am WinSCP to browse folders and editing…
Ünsal Korkmaz
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3 answers

backuppc - how to backup remote (over the internet) clients?

I am testing out backuppc, which works great so far backing up windows clients on a LAN via SMB (no backup client/agent required). However I have quite a few laptops and desktops that are in various remote locations - some of which move around. I…
Scott Szretter
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2 answers

Why my clipboard can only paste out from RDP into my desktop not the other way around?

I'm having very weird problem in my TS RDP connection, I can copy and paste from my TS RDP out into my desktop (from any program into any program in my home workstation) but somehow I cannot copy paste from my desktop into my TS RDP (from any…
2 answers

Pros/Cons of having a server room in your building

Here's the thing. Upper management would like to move our servers (domain controllers, file servers, accounting, payroll, the whole she-bang) to another building at least 15 minutes away. Not sure what the reason for the move is, as we'll have to…
Calvin Sy
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1 answer

Ext4 Input/Output Error Reboot via SSH

I've got a remote appliance, and its disk IO seems to have locked up, trying to run anything that isn't already loaded results in errors like this: $ sudo shutdown -r 0 sudo: Can't open /var/lib/sudo//0: Read-only file system sudo:…
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how to backup a remote hosted exchange 2010 account?

i currently rent a remote hosted exchange server and i would like to make sometimes backup every couple of weeks or days is that possible? (i prefer a unix [ubuntu] based solution but win solution will be ok too)
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Best tools for "ssh tail -f" style log file monitoring and analysis

I'm looking for a tool to monitor custom PHP Error logs/Apache and possibly Java logs on remote development servers. I'm not looking for a full production log system like Splunk, but something that's a little more flexible than an ssh terminal doing…
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2 answers

Windows Server 2008 Remote Desktop issue

I'm having a strange situation. I have a LAN where I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 server and a few other machines (Win 7, Vista). I have configured port forwarding on my router to forward port 4444 to port 3389 on the Server 2008 machine so that I…
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Keeping Linux remote console responsive when system loaded

Is it possible to keep a Linux remote console responsive (I'm using SSH but the box is also slow locally) when the system is under high load. I'd like to be able to remote login to the server to monitor it, even though the system appears to be over…
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