Questions tagged [backuppc]

BackupPC is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up Linux and Windows PCs and laptops to a server's disk. BackupPC is highly configurable and easy to install and maintain.

BackupPC is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up Linux and WinXX PCs and laptops to a server's disk. BackupPC is highly configurable and easy to install and maintain.

Given the ever decreasing cost of disks and raid systems, it is now practical and cost effective to backup a large number of machines onto a server's local disk or network storage. This is what BackupPC does. For some sites, this might be the complete backup solution. For other sites, additional permanent archives could be created by periodically backing up the server to tape. A variety of Open Source systems are available for doing backup to tape.

BackupPC is written in Perl and extracts backup data via SMB using Samba, tar over ssh/rsh/nfs, or rsync. It is robust, reliable, well documented and freely available as Open Source on SourceForge.


48 questions
3 answers

Amanda, Bacula, BackupPC Which has a reliable windows client?

I wish to setup an automated backup system for three Windows XP machines in the same building to a Linux server out on the WAN. I visit each machine every few months and make a disk image for a bare metal recovery. I need a way to automatically…
Rodney Schuler
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3 answers

SSH key problems: Not a RSA1 key file unknown key type '-----BEGIN'

A backuppc server is able to sign into remote machines as root and backup them up, but if I sign in as the backuppc user and try to ssh into these machines using the same key, the key is rejected with the following debug output: OpenSSH_5.3p1,…
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BackupPC using rsync fails with "protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean?"

I just installed BackupPC in a Debian box to use it as backup server. As you know, this software makes use, among others, of rsync. When using the rsync option, it fails. Server: Debian Jessie. BackupPC 3.3.1 built from source, executed by user…
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2 answers

smbclient NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED on directories when Windows doesn't

I'm setting up BackupPC on a server and it uses smbclient to backup Windows 7 workstations. smbclient logs in correctly to \\TESTHOST\C$ as TESTDOMAIN\backupoperator (Which is also a domain admin and a "Backup Operator" on the TESTHOST) but returns…
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BackupPC - are full backups really full when using rsync?

When you run a full backup in backuppc and you use rsync as the transfer method, does it actually transfer the full backup source? Or does it only transfer the changes? The docs seem to imply that it would transfer the full thing and only an…
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4 answers

BackupPc fails with SIGPIPE

I run BackupPc on a Debian Squeeze server. It backups other Debian Squeeze machines on my LAN succesfully. I've setup it to backup another Debian Squeeze machine on Wan, but the backup always fails with the error message: Aborting backup up after…
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BackupPC - why does it use rsync --sender --server ...?

I'm in the process of experimenting with BackupPC on a CentOS 5.5 server. I have everything pretty much setup with default values. I tried setting up a basic backup for a host's /www directory. The backup fails with the following errors: full backup…
Jake Wilson
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BackupPC Taking over 72 hours to backup 250GB's

I am using BackupPC to backup some workstations at the office. One workstations in particular has a sizable amount of data when compared to the rest, however, it's not that large in general (talking about 250ish GB's of actual data). BackupPC seems…
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What filesystem should I use for backuppc on CentOS/Debian and lots and lots (200k) of small hardcopied files?

The reason I ask is that I use rsnapshot for backups with a /backups separate raid1 ext3 back-up disk. Unfortunately removing back-ups (happens every 4 hours) takes up to a full hour! rm -rf /backups/server/hourly.5 will take very long, while all it…
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Monitoring of disk usage over time - check for large variations

I'm looking for a tool that would monitor disk usage over time. What I'm looking for is folders or files that grow unexpectedly over a short period of time. I use du , ncdu, baobab (when X is available), filelight and agedu to assess the situation…
Arthur Lutz
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4 answers

Optimizing RAID 5 for BackupPC use (small random reads)

I am running a BackupPC server with a hardware RAID 5 for the main storage of the backups. Since the machine was created on a tiny budget, the controller is a 3Ware 9500S-4LP for the PCI port and the drives are slow 200 GB SATA types. However, even…
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3 answers

BackupPC - transfer fails intermittently

BackupPC works good on my LAN but has problems backing-up a remote server of mine. I'm using rsync over ssh and have increased max ping to 500 because the remote server is far away. Here is my error log (user and are masked info): full…
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2 answers

Bacula vs. BackupPC

I have been googling about the differences between them. Bacula has lots of roles BackupPC is easier to configure Bacula works with agent, not rsync (great for Windows backups) It seems that Bacula is most often compared to Amanda though, while…
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2 answers

backuppc exclude syntax (SMB)

I am trying to do a full backup of a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine using backup PC (via SMB). My server is running Scientific Linux 6.1, with Backup PC 3.2.1. I have changed the local security policy on the server 2008 machine to allow me to…
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1 answer

Setting backup-permissions for C:\Users

I'm trying to properly setup a share for BackupPC to backup my user's profiles. BackupPC uses a special user backup to connect to each PC and backup the profiles from there. I've create a separate share on C:\Users giving read access to the backup…
David Schmitt
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