Questions tagged [pureftpd]

62 questions
1 answer

Run pureftp server as non-root user

I am running pureftp in docker container as non-root user file_app. Here is the permission I assigned chown -R file_app:file_app /etc/pure-ftpd chown -R file_app:file_app /etc/ssl/private chown -R file_app:file_app /var/log/pure-ftp chown -R…
1 answer

PureFTPd : How to have user isolation?

I've installed pureFTPd, with a mysql database on a debian distribution. I used the following tutorial. But now if I'm logging, I see that I'm in the /Data/www/MyUserDirectory. AND I can browse to /. How can I avoid that the user user see any other…
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Connection/port issues with pure-ftp

I setup pure-ftp on freebsd behind firewall. On pure-ftp setuped passsi mode ftp(rangle port 50400-50600) and firewall open port from 50400-50600 (include mode IN and out). But i try use ftp client connect but not connect. Nofinication error status:…
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Limit FTP download total

I want to be able to limit an account to download a total of X GB, then suspend the account. I'm currently using pure-ftpd w/ mysql backend and can't figure out a way to handle this. Ratio seems session-based so it's useless. Logging is also…
Mickey Mouse
1 answer

How to receive files in Binary mode in PureFTP

I have created a new Linux server with Pure-FTPD as a FTP server Whenever I transfer text files from a Windows PC using FileZilla to Pure ftp server running on Linux, the text file undergoes corruption or modification , which after some web search I…
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PureFtpD to Proftp Password Conversion

I am planning to migrate users from pureftp to proftpd, i need a tool to perform password conversion Mysql password format- MYSQLCrypt md5 pureftp From: 9dd4e461268c8034f5c8564e155c67a6 Proftpd - To $1$64eb18f6a8f793689ad1eb1136f43ccf
0 answers

Pure-FTPd how to close idle connections?

In my pure-ftpd server, we got more idle users than allowed and they are preventing new connections. How can I remove them? I tried restarting pure-ftpd but that didn't work. Active or inactive pure-ftpd, pure-ftpwho keeps reporting the same number…
0 answers

How to improve login speed in Pure-FTPd

I'm using Pure-FTPd on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS machine (focal). Packages are the following: pure-ftpd-common/focal,now 1.0.49-4 all [installed,automatic] pure-ftpd/focal,now 1.0.49-4 amd64 [installed] I configured virtual users in PureDB and I disabled…
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pure-ftpd : PassivePortRange in /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf vs /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PassivePortRange

I'm configuring the passive port range on an Ubuntu 20.04 server. pure-ftpd has both a PassivePortRange setting in the main /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf file (commented-out by default) and a dedicated file /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PassivePortRange. I…
0 answers

Pure-FTPd increase MaxClientsPerIP for a single IP (WHM/cPanel/root ssh)

I have a server with (WHM/cPanel) with root ssh access also, while trying to troubleshoot ftp frequent download fail issue i've found out that Maximum Connections Per IP Address is set as 8 which can be configured via /etc/pure-ftpd.conf…
Nishu Ali
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Pure-FTPd: randomly fails with restricted iptables INPUT

I've installed Pure-FTPd on a Debian 10 machine that runs iptables with de default DROP policy for the INPUT chain. The OUTPUT chain is set to ACCEPT. Problem: if I try to connect an FTP client it only works sometimes. It seems to randomly be able…
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Not able to restart pure-ftp or create new ftp account

I had an ubuntu LAMP server setup that had ISPConfig. I removed ISPConfig and now what I want to do is create a new ftp account for a new website I have setup on the server. My issue is if I do ftp localhost on the CLI Welcome to Pure-FTPd I need…
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SNI in pure-ftpd

I'm looking for SNI support in pure-ftpd. I found some documentation here: Please read section CUSTOM CERTIFICATE HANDLERS in the above link. It specifies the use of service pure-certd. But…
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Pure-FTPd login on cPanel server succeeds from some hosts, not others

I have a server running CentOS 7.4, cPanel, and Pure-FTPd 1.0.45. I can FTP to this server just fine from some hosts, but not from others. It's not a firewall issue, as I can see the rejected login attempts in the log file. I've tried the broken…
Greg Schmidt
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Pure-ftpd-mysql permissions

Hello all! I install pure-ftpd-mysql Debian 8 Linux 64bit How to change permissions? uid: 2001 gid: 2001 files in /www/www/directory/directory how to allow change files? folder permission 755 and needed 777