I'm using Pure-FTPd on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS machine (focal). Packages are the following:

pure-ftpd-common/focal,now 1.0.49-4 all [installed,automatic]
pure-ftpd/focal,now 1.0.49-4 amd64 [installed]

I configured virtual users in PureDB and I disabled PAM and Unix authentications. These are the configuration keys:

AnonymousOnly: no
BrokenClientsCompatibility: yes
ChrootEveryone: yes
Daemonize: yes
DisplayDotFiles: yes
DontResolve: yes
FSCharset: UTF-8
IPV4Only: yes
MaxClientsNumber: 50
MaxClientsPerIP: 5
MaxIdleTime: 60
MinUID: 30
NoAnonymous: yes
PAMAuthentication: no
PassivePortRange: 35000 36000
ProhibitDotFilesWrite: no
PureDB: /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb
TLS: 0
UnixAuthentication: no
UserBandwidth: 1000
VerboseLog: yes

Login is extremely slow (5-7 seconds) connecting from localhost. How can I improve its speed?

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