Questions tagged [pureftpd]

62 questions
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How to Read a Pure FTPD log file?

I'm trying to analyze my FTP log to investigate some unauthorized access, but I can't make sense of some of the far right columns. Thu Oct 01 00:13:55 2009 0 2547 /home/user1/public_html/index.html a _ o r user1 ftp 1 * c Thu Oct 01…
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Preventing specific folder deletion in CentOS

I have a CentOS server running PureFTPd with multiple virtual users mapping to a single system user. Each of these virtual users gets chrooted to a directory corresponding to their username. The directory tree…
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How to log what an FTP user does with Pure-FTPD and Apache?

I have a VPS with Apache and Pure-FTPD and I'm wondering if it's possible to log every action that an FTP user does (such as viewing files and editing them)? If this is possible, please let me know how I can do this.
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pure-ftpd gives wrong ip for passive connection in TLS mode

I am setting up our ftp server ( pure-ftpd-1.0.21-r1 ) to use TLS/SSL. It works when I don't use TLS. Started with command options: -S 21 -c 30 -C 10 -B -k 90% -A -R -Z -p 49152:65534 -U 013 -s --tls=1 . Response: 230 OK. Current restricted…
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Pure FTPd and MySQL, working with sha512

I'm currently developing an application for shared hosting, using a complete MySQL backend for the machine. I've set up all my services, and they're quite operational, however I've a little problem with pure-ftpd. As you may know, Pure-FTPd can work…
John WH Smith
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How to find installed pure-ftpd version?

Trying to find which version of pure-ftpd my server is using, in order to help troubleshoot a probably FTP client issue. I'm on CentOS 6.7, but would prefer a more generic/universal method, if possible. I found this method…
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Use temporary filename during upload in PureFTP

Is it possible to configue Pure-fptd to use a temporary filename during upload? At the moment files that are uploaded are given their final name from the very start of the upload. I would like it to have temporary name until the file is completely…
John P
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Configure Pure-FTP for Implicit FTPS

I'm just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for configuring a Pure-FTP daemon on our CentOS Linux server to support FTP over implicit SSL/TLS (over port 990). Btw, I'm pretty good with finding my way around a linux server, just…
Harry Muscle
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PureFTP: Denying upload of certain file extensions

I use pure-ftp for ftp server. I want an for pure-ftp to deny the upload of certain file types, for example .exe, .bat, .cs, etc. Many thanks.
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Pureftpd - Getting error 421 Out of memory when LimitRecursion is over 30000

We are currently running a Ubuntu 16.04.3 Server CPU : Intel Xeon E3-1270v6 - 4c/8t - 3,8GHz /4,2GHz RAM : 64Go DDR4 ECC 2400 MHz HDD : 2 x 1.2To SoftRaid nvme It's a dedicated server, and we have full access with SSH, etc.. We have some…
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pureftpd conneting with ftp on terminal but not filezilla

I have a dedicated server with WHM which have installed pureftpd the problem is: $ ftp works alright I can use dir command and see my file list however with filezilla or others like fireFTP and crossFTP, I get this: Command: MLSD Error:…
1 answer

pure-ftpd debian, can't get www-data user working

I'm trying to add FTP access to the Apache web files, in the past I have done this with an ftpuser and group arrangement. This time I would like to make it possible to login directly as www-data (the default Apache user on Debian) to make things a…
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Pure-FTPd Configuration on Ubuntu 12.04

I have a fresh installation of pure-ftpd on Ubuntu Server 12.04, and for the life of me I can't find any kind of central config file. All I need to do is set a passive port range. At this point I would settle with knowing its default passive port…
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Pure-FTPD error: Unable to start a standalone server: Address already in use

I just installed Pure-FTPD to give it a test run, I added a group and a user groupadd test1 useradd -g test1 -d /var/www/html -s /etc testuser then tried to run the server using /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd -S ,21 -c 30 -C 1 -l…
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Pure-FTPD chroot not working on a fresh Debian install?

I am trying to get chroot to work with virtual Pure-FTPD users, but for some reason it simply is not working. I changed the following options: /etc/default/pure-ftpd-common: VIRTUALCHROOT=true /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/ChrootEveryone: yes And added a…
Aron Rotteveel
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