Questions tagged [puppet-agent]

Required to run puppetcode on a host from a Puppetmaster or master-less (puppet apply)

94 questions
1 answer

Missing Puppet provider for types group and user

I installed Puppet 5 on an CentOS 7 machine from The installation was successful and I can run puppet apply for a simple manifest like this one: file {'/tmp/example-ip': ensure => present, mode => '0644', …
Oliver F.
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1 answer

puppet saz/sudo module implmentation

I'm trying to deploy the saz/sudo module to manage our sudo configs (I'm pretty new to puppet (~3days), so please excuse my potential ignorance). Our current sudo config all contained in a single (large) /etc/sudoers file, which I'd like to break up…
Mark V
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2 answers

How do I configure a Windows server to be a Puppet Agent server?

How do I configure a Windows server to be a Puppet Agent server? I am running Puppet Enterprise 4.x on CentOS 7 and Puppet Agent 3.7.4 on Windows Server 2012. I am trying to set this up for the first time. I know that there are no ports being…
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Puppet overwrites symlinked directory

I am using Puppet to manage the configurations of some servers. One of the tasks is to create a specific folder structure under /www for hosting our applications. But lately, we've had this server where /www is just a symbolic link to another…
2 answers

Migrating to Puppet 4.5.2

We are migrating to later versions of puppet. New Version: # puppet --version 4.5.2 Existing Version: #puppet-3.8.7 Our existing site.pp is as follows: #A default site.pp to do a quick test run import "../classes/*" import "../nodes/*" file {…
Zama Ques
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1 answer

Different manifest location on Puppet Server/Agent

My Puppet Server Environment setting is as follows [master] vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver logdir = /data/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver pidfile =…
Zama Ques
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0 answers

Puppet: Client is not connected to master - cert sign request does not appear

at the moment I'm having trouble with a new host that should be connected to the puppet-master. The cert-sign request does not appear: [root@puppet sudoers.d]# puppet cert list [root@puppet sudoers.d]# What can I do here?
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3 answers

Deploying SSH-configuration via Puppet: Execution of '/etc/init.d/ssh start' returned 1:

I'm deploying a ssh-default-config via Puppet to my servers. This works fine in most cases. But now I tried to deploy it to an OpenVZ system which was freshly upgraded from Debian 7 to 8. Now I tried to deploy my manifest: Error: Could not start…
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1 answer

Trying to run puppet yield "Error: Could not find class"

Firstly, to be honest I'm pretty new to Puppet world. I'm trying to build a puppet script for my server. here how my puppet structure look like this . |-- environments | `-- example_env | |-- manifests | |-- modules | `--…
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2 answers

Using exec with puppet device management?

I'm trying to use puppet's network device management feature to configure Cisco routers. I know its just running ios commands so how can I extend it by having it run my own ios commands? I want to use this to create my own facts and do other…
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1 answer

Puppet agent apply default configuration but doesn't apply node configuration

Puppet master version: 3.3.1 Puppet agent version: 3.3.1 Content of site.pp import '*/*.pp' node default { include 'auth' } In the folder where site.pp is located there is folder called 'VirtualMachines' In 'VirtualMachines' folder there is file…
  • 13
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1 answer

Add file with puppet and remove it after a run

I want to add a file with puppet that should only exist while puppet runs. The file should be there to prevent apt from starting any services (which fails) during my puppet run. This is the class I have so far that doesn't work since there is a…
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1 answer

Multiple agents on one host

Is it possible two run multiple puppet agents with different user rights on one host? I have a server which should be administered by two non related users through puppet. (one user account for the developer and one root account for the server team)
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2 answers

Puppet Master: Multiple agents with same hostname

I'd like to use Puppet master to configure multiple development VMs with Vagrant: eg: vagrant creates a new box and provisions it using Puppet agent. However, some testing seems to show that Puppet master assigns certificates per hostname, therefore…
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1 answer

Puppet: How to fix "Invalid resource type file_line"?

I have a freshly installed Puppet server with only one module configured and one managed client. This is a MOTD module and looks like so: class motd { file { "/etc/": path => '/etc/', ensure => present, …
Itai Ganot
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