Questions tagged [protocol]

47 questions
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TCP protocol strange behaviour in my program

I started working recently in IT field and as first assignment they want me to communicate with a remote board with a simple Socket using Java. Today I completed all the job but I noticed that my messages wasn't correctly received... So I started…
2 answers

What protocols do various web-services (ie ports) use—for unblocking purposes?

I recently overhauled my router’s firewall rules. I erased everything and added minimal permissions for the ports that I need to be open. However I found that Blogger was no longer able to publish to my system’s FTP server. I was able to fix it by…
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Protocol used between a RADIUS client and a computer?

I can't find documentation about the protocol used when a computer wants to reach a network with 802.1x. RADIUS client (switch, access point) use UDP/1812-1813 to communicate with RADIUS server. How does computer (at this point with no IP) and…
setenforce 1
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Does the DNS resolver know about the application layer protocol in use?

My iPad's 3G connection usually gets hijacked and shows me my provider's welcome page every time I first browse the internet. I have noticed that this only happens when using HTTP, and pages that use HTTPS or any other protocol will be retrieved…
Gabriele Cirulli
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Difference between protocol and service interface

I came across the terms Protocol and Service interface while studying the OSI model and as far as I can tell they seem to be doing the same thing. So what's the difference between the protocol and service interface
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Technically, How does uploading Apps to an Android Phone Work? has an Android Marketplace. How do the apps go from to my phone? I am looking for a protocol level analysis. Do they use a basic protocol like FTP and then check with a Google digital signature? I do not own an Android. I wish…
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Postfix to manage its internal error in an explicit way

I'm currently testing in lab a redundant/laod balancing setup where Keepalived health checks verifies that Postfix is running on 2 servers. While Keepalived is working well, great convergence time and so on, it doesn't go very far in the SMTP…
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2 interface, 2 ISP - Application Binding?

I have 2 interfaces - Wlan0 and Eth0, and both of them have separate internet lines - X & Y ISP. I want some applications to use WLAN and some to use ETH to send/receive traffic. Where can I bind different applications on different networks? I can…
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Question about network topology and routing performance

I am currently working on a uni project about routing protocols and network performance, one of the criteria i was going to test under was to see what effect lan topology has, ie workstations arranged in mesh, star, ring etc, but i am having doubts…
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What is voice xml and how can I host it

while looking for a way to use speech recognition with flash I crossed paths with voice xml. I've gone through the wc3 description of it but still I have a few big questions. Can I simply create a vxml doc and place it on my webserver? What are the…
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Why does OpenSSH on Macos look for known hosts file twice?

Open SSH debug trace shows that ssh is looking for the known_hosts file(s) twice, once before the key exchange and once during, why is that? I understand that as part of the key exchange ssh verifies the key in the known_hosts file, but I don't…
Niko P
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website says connection insecure if typed without the protocol

I have a website and when I type the url with 'https://' the browser shows the site normally, however if I do not include 'https://' in the url, the browser brings me to a page that says my connection is not secure. I keep adding things to my…
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Could not determine IPv4/IPv6 protocol

I am having this problem all of a sudden. Open VPN worked brilliantly until December 2021- then it stopped connecting with the following reason: RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: (No such host is known. ) Could not determine…
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DHCPv6 (RFC 8415) - What are reasonable initial values for time intervals T1/T2?

As described in Section 18.2. - Client Behavior of DHCP - RFC 8415 a client uses the Solicit message to discover DHCP servers configured to assign leases or return other configuration parameters on the link to which the client is attached. As part…
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Apparent inconsistency in Apache SSLProtocol

I'm running a server with Debian 10 and Apache Version: 2.4.38-3+deb10u3. The behaviour of different settings for SSLProtocol is puzzling. SSL has been configured to be quite secure. This setting appears to work for every client (at least no…
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