Questions tagged [proftpd]

ProFTPD: Apache-like FTP server for Unix systems

ProFTPD is a mature FTP server for Unix. It has a module design and configuration file syntax that is deliberately similar to Apache. Through its modules, ProFTPD supports FTPS, SFTP, SCP, as well as authenticating using SQL databases, LDAP directories, RADIUS servers, and more.

204 questions
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SFTP server: better to use SSH internal sftp subsystem or ProFTPD plugin?

I've been tasked to install a new SFTP server. Per-se, this is a very simple operation: simply using the internal-sftp role of the ubiquitous SSH service (with chrooting) is sufficient to have a reliable SFTP server. However it's in my nature to…
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How to start / stop proftpd

I can't seem to find a way to stop / re-start proftpd. My server IP address is xx.yy.zz.ww and connecting from external devices via FTP gives me the prompt: Connected to xx.yy.zz.ww 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (ProFTPD) It then asks me for…
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How to change SFTP default directory

With proftpd you can change the default directory editing /etc/proftpd.conf DefaultRoot ~ change to DefaultRoot ~/music How i can achieve the same result with SFTP? Im using ubuntu lucid btw. Ty so much for your help.
Jonathan B
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proFTPD unable to determine IP address

When starting the server this error is returned Starting ftp server: proftpd2014-08-03 18:39:22,045 web-amd-3700-2gb proftpd[22126]: warning: unable to determine IP address of 'web-amd-3700-2gb' 2014-08-03 18:39:22,045 web-amd-3700-2gb…
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ProFTP Won't Return Directory Listing

So I installed ProFTP on my Ubuntu 10.10 server. Using FileZilla, I can connect and authenticate, but I cannot get the directory listing. Here are the last few lines returned to me: Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: …
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Proftpd configuration to run ftp/ftes ftps and sftp at the same time on different port

I have compile version of proftpd 1.3.4d with ftp, ftps, sftp and mysql authentication. So far I can have working at the same time on port 210: ftp and ftpes and on port 211 the sftp. ServerName "ProFTPD self contained…
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ProFTPd/FTPS issue: unable to accept TLS connection: received EOF that violates protocol

It took some time while I tried to find solution over the net. Nothing helped. The story: I have Ubuntu 10.10 (Amazon EC2 instance). ProFTPD Version 1.3.2e (latest via apt-get). I changed nothing on server and ftp clients, but suddenly my clients…
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Proftpd CentOS user can only login with a /bin/bash shell

I've created a user and assigned a password and group (new group). The problem is this user can only login to FTP (proftpd) if he has shell = /bin/bash If I set the shell to /bin/false then Proftpd doesn't let him in and serves a 530 Login incorrect…
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Hide .svn directories with Proftpd

Is it possible to hide directories with Proftpd? Specifically .svn directories. There is a HideFiles but not a HideDirectories directive. The problem with HideFiles is that it doesn't match on full path. #…
4 answers

How to "jail" a ftp user inside its home directory (proftpd)?

I have a user named "ftp3" that belong to group "ftpusers-temp". The home of that user is home/FTP-shared/temp In proftpd.conf I have the following 2 directives: DefaultRoot /home/FTP-shared DefaultRoot ~ ftpusers-temp I was expecting that user…
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ProFTPD Virtual User Directory

Alright, I'm trying to replicate a web hosting company's basic setup here by authenticating virtual users via SQL and redirect/jail them to their directory. I've accomplished most of the goals here, with the exception of redirect/jailing them to…
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Proftpd: How to set default root to a users home directory without jailing the user?

I've installed proftpd on my debian box but I'm having having some trouble with the configuration. In my proftpd.conf I've added; DefaultRoot ~ !ftp_special This works fine in that all users except members of ftp-special are unable to navigate…
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looking for a clean way of how to bring down a ftp server for maintenance

i'm currently thinking of a clean way of how to bring an ftp server down for maintenance. i wonder, if anybody out there could give me some hints of how to solve this: i don't want to interrupt any current uploads, but want to block any new…
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proftpd on centos 7 with proftp-mysql: users can login / upload files but they cannot retrieve files or CWD

I can't find anyone who has this weird issue: ftp users are able to upload files but they are not able to retrieve them. Please give me any clue to solve this issue. Thank you "ftpuser1" is a user defined in proftp-mysql table with…
0 answers

PROFTPD accepting all public keys regardless of contents of SFTPAuthorizedUserKeys file

I've just attempted to set up ProFTPD as an SFTP server, However I'm facing some curious behavior when it comes to public key authentication. For some reason, proftpd is acepting every single key fingerprint presented to it regardless if it is…
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