Binary Worrier


I'm Irish (and have been all my life)

I've been writing code since I was 12 years old (professionally since 22 or so), and some day – hopefully soon - I'll figure out how to do it properly.

I'm married (sorry ladies), and she's gorgeous, she's so far out of my league we're playing different sports. I swear there are days I marvel that she doesn't snap out of it and decide she can do far better :) . . . but I’m very glad she doesn’t.

My second love for many years would have been C++, which has been pushed out by C#, very powerful, very concise.

I used to workwith Vb, but I dislike it, being much more enamoured of the curly brace than I am of hugely verbose syntax.

Although it’s many years since we last parted, I still hold a grudge against Vb3, 4, 5 & 6, oh, and all flavours of VBA. Languages that are, IMHO, as wrong and unholy as . . . well . . . something that’s really wrong and unholy (pick your own desecration and go with that imagery, I’m not going to do all the work for you). . . there are whole years I spent bleeding and blistered on the Pre Vb.Net cross . . . and I’m glad I can say “never again”.
