Questions tagged [printing]

Printing is the writing of data in a human-readable format onto durable media such as paper.

Printing is the writing of data in a human-readable format onto durable media such as paper.

617 questions
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NoDeletePrinter not stopping deletion of printers

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer NoDeletePrinter REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) GPUpdate. GPUpdate /Force. Log out. Reboot. All that jazz - still able to delete printers. Any tips?
Chris Culp
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Share printer job queue among multiple printers

Is it possible to have multiple printers and only one printer job queue? Any good software or hardware solution? Idea is like so: someone sends a print job to printer (possibly shared via Windows Server 2012+) this job is then queued in printers'…
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Force CUPS print server to fit-to-page if job is not A4

I've setup a CUPS print server on Debian Stretch and I need a way to modify print jobs that don't use A4 page size. I have clients (iOS) that cannot set the paper size and will send for example a PDF that is in letter size to the print server which…
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Grant "Manage Printers" permission for all printers on XP clients via GPO?

Is it possible to grant "Manage Printers" permissions to all printer objects on client machines via group policy? By default, it looks like this permission is granted to Power Users and Administrators. I'd like to grant it to a specific security…
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securing a network share printer

So We've a networked laser printer, pretty standard bit of kit, accepts requests via WiFi, ethernet or USB. Recently we've found that our network has been dropping out for a couple of minutes each morning and this seems to tell the printer to ignore…
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Printer Group Policy not showing up on updated Windows computers?

We have had about 20 print mapping policies for years in an organization with ~300 clients. This company hasn't done windows updates in over 2 years. Over the weekend, we were authorized to push out ALL windows updates needed to bring us current…
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Printers start printing white pages for print jobs on Citrix

We use an application installed on a Windows 2003 server through Citrix Metaframe. Since Friday 17 march, most printers on the clients start printing white on white all distant print jobs. We are using native printer drivers, not…
Lorenz Meyer
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Printing from non-domain computers

I have a domain print-server with some network printers configured (TCP/IP ports). I need to be able to print from non-domain computers. There is a requirement that all users have this printer added (preferably as default). Normally I'd add a…
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Way to force duplex printing on all Windows clients in domain

I'm looking for a way to configure all of Windows clients in Active Directory domain so that they print all documents in duplex mode. Serverfault has been similar questions: How do i enforce duplex printing on Server 2012 Printer Preference…
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Why doesn't Reader DC send a printjob to a shared printer in a terminal server environment?

I'm experiencing a very odd issue. We work in a terminal environment using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and printers that are shared on a print server and pushed to users in the Terminal Servers using a GPO. Sometimes a user experiences an issue where…
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Windows 10 RDP client crash when printing through RDP printer redirection

We are deploying Windows 10 1607 across our company and we are currently having an issue with printers not redirecting over Remote Desktop to a Windows 2012 R2 server: Printing crashes the RDP client. The session remains disconnected on the…
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lpr command: no prints and no error

PROBLEM: no prints and no output (and no errors) for 'lpr -P printername file.txt' DETAILS: I have the same CUPS installation in two different servers. In one of this server lpr command works and prints are ok. In the other no prints and no output…
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Network printer becomes inaccessable randomly in 2012 R2 RDS sessions

I've recently moved about 40 users onto some new Windows 2012 R2 RDS infrastructure. They are all logging onto their RDS sessions from thin clients with no local resources attached (printers, drives). The network printer connections were rolled out…
1 answer

Using SSH tunnel from other host

I set up ssh tunnel from one host ( like this: ssh -NL 9111: Now I'd like to use the same tunnel from other host ( in same private network. When I try, connection is refused. How to…
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Ubuntu Print Server in Windows Environment

For my project at work, I decided to create a Ubuntu Linux 16.04 print server but it's in a Windows environment. I installed CUPS via apt and Samba via apt also. The few printers I have setup work fine, they share and everything to either my Linux…