Questions tagged [powershell-v7]

10 questions
2 answers

Cause of Warning: PowerShell detected that you might be using a screen reader and has disabled PSReadLine for compatibility purposes

Steps Launch PowerShell 7 on Windows 10. Actual result PowerShell 7.0.0 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Type 'help' to get help. Warning: PowerShell detected that you might be using a screen…
1 answer

PowerShell 7.0 / 7.1 and .NET runtimes

A Microsoft Doc has a table for required versions of .NET Framework for PowerShell versions 3.0 to…
0 answers

How to mount a Windows UNC Path on ubuntu using PowerShell Core

Background: I have an ubuntu machine that hosts a couple applications that I am in charge of and I want to automate the backup of the database that powers these applications. I noticed that PowerShell is now cross platform, so I figured a simple…
0 answers

Remote Windows Update using Powershell to a air-gapped server

My setup has a Windows 10 Desktop that runs "Windows Admin Software" to manage a directly connected Dell Server. This set up is functioning smoothly. The Desktop is connected to Internet. The challenge is that this server is (and, desirably be) NOT…
1 answer

How are PowerShell and .NET runtimes related?

I understand there is a relationship between PowerShell and .NET, but I can't locate the details via Google. I was able to setup a fresh Linux instance that didn't have PowerShell or .NET, and then only installed PowerShell. PS cmdlets worked…
1 answer

Unable to get years lapsed difference from a certain date with powershell custom date?

I cannot get the time difference from a certain date using Powershell like below: $Date = '11/12/2001' (New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date -Date $Date) -End (Get-Date)).ToString("'yyyy' Years 'MM' Months 'dd' Days 'hh' Hours 'mm' Minutes 'ss'…
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Accessing remote database from Windows machine

I tried to connect to a remote MySQL instance from my script in WSL2 but it always failed. I tested using the following command Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 3306 from PowerShell v7 and got this result: ComputerName :…
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1 answer

How to update Azure AD MS Group Mail and ProxyAddresses field using PowerShell

I need to update email address domain for all Azure AD Groups (of all types Unified, Dynamic ... ) and I am using PowerShell 7 with latest stable AzureAD module. I have an issue with setting new value to "Mail" and "ProxyAddresses" properties using…
0 answers

PowerShell Call Restore Point in Windows Beside Sequence ID

So I'm aware that using Restore-Computer -RestorePoint ID I can call a specific restore point in my script, where Windows will rollback to. My situation requires a different approach, which I've seen no documentation on. Assuming I have 50+ clients,…
0 answers

Linux servers stopped being able to use PowerShell remoting over WinRM using NTLM on remote Windows Servers

So basically we have a team with Linux servers running PowerShell Core (a mix of 6 and 7) that have to execute remote Windows PowerShell commands on Windows servers. Problem is, the team never got Kerberos working for authentication and is relying…
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