So I'm aware that using Restore-Computer -RestorePoint ID
I can call a specific restore point in my script, where Windows will rollback to. My situation requires a different approach, which I've seen no documentation on.
Assuming I have 50+ clients, all which have a certain Restore Point on date JAN-XX-2021 and Description of "My Primary RollBack"... I realize each client with that restore date can have a totally different Sequence ID for it due to previous existing restore points, so I can't just call Sequence ID 16 across each, for example, and rollback all 50 clients.
Is there a way specifically call a "specific restore point" with a "specific date", and with a "specific description" via PowerShell? I'd like to add it as a rollback measure across 50+ clients I'm scripting a Registry change on. Hope my question makes sense. Thanks.