Questions tagged [pound]

The Pound program is a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s). Pound was developed to enable distributing the load among several Web-servers and to allow for a convenient SSL wrapper for those Web servers that do not offer it natively.

49 questions
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Pound Proxy with multiple SSL Certificates

After reading on the Pound website that SSL does not support virtual host names, this in fact seems quite strait forward and obvious to me now. I have a pound load-balancer I wish to terminate SSL connections with. If a web server behind it runs…
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Pound sticky sessions between HTTP and HTTPS

I have pound setup for http and https, and have sticky sessions based on cookie for both. However, sessions are not sticky when jumping from http to https. Is there anyway to do this in Pound? It's essential for my web app that stickiness is…
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OpenSSL SHA256 testing

I'm having an issue testing a hardened SSL configuration for pound. One of the requirements is for the inclusion of AES[128|256]-SHA256 ciphers, along with strict ordering of preference. I've installed OpenSSL 1.0.1c-fips on CentOS 6 (via the IUS…
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How to forcast the spec of a Linux load balancer?

I would like to build a Linux load balancer with SSL off load with sticky sessions. I would like to do this with either Pound or Pound and HAProxy. I haven't done this before, and I have been wanting to learn about both HAProxy and Pound for a while…
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Benchmarking load balaners

I am working on to benchmark two different load balancers (pound and haproxy), but are unsure how this can be done. Of couse httperf can be used, but it may be technically difficult to actually make a load balancer crash due to a very high rate. How…
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Is there a way to convert IPv6-style IPv4 addresses in X-Forwarded-For headers to IPv4-style?

I run a system that has a Pound reverse proxy in front of a squid accelerator, in turn in front of Apache2 powering a few PHP-based webapps. The Pound daemon is configured to send X-Forwarded-For headers to Apache so the aforementioned applications…
2 answers

Increasing `iptables` verbosity and determine logging location on a CentOS based server?

Having an odd problem here with regards to pound reverse proxy no longer directing traffic properly on a CentOS based distro (ClearOS 6.2.x). I believe that it's an iptables issue or something else in that I see nothing to even indicate inbound…
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Pound + HAProxy or Stunnel + HAProxy

I'm looking at introducing a loadbalancer to my existing site infrastructure to help with traffic growth and provide a level of failure protection. The site I am running uses SSL certificates for the login section and I will need to continue with…
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HTTPS load balancing based on some component of the URL

We have an existing application that we wish to split across multiple servers (for example: 1000 users total, 100 users split across 10 servers). Ideally, we'd like to be able relay the HTTPS requests to a particular server based on some component…
Keith Palmer Jr.
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POODLE Ciphers !SSLv3 = Protocol or cipher suite mismatch

According to: ANNOUNCE: Pound - reverse proxy and load balancer - v2.7d / Robert Segall , following enhancement was added: - added "Disable PROTO" directives (fix for Poodle vulnerability) My system: [root@6svprx01 ~]# uname -a Linux…
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Varnish + Pound on Apache 503 Errors

I'm getting a lot of seemingly random 503 Service Unavailable errors on my Varnish + Pound setup on Apache. I have no idea where to start or what the problem is. I've searched the web a ton and all the suggestions I've tried just didn't work. So…
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Lightweight reverse http proxy with websocket support

does there exist a lightweight (when I tried apache it ate several hundred megs of memory) reverse http proxy which supports websockets? I was so far using pound which does not support websockets but now I want to add a backend which needs…
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Pound as alternative to mod_proxy

I want to switch from a apache ReverseProxy to pound. My problem is: There are rules in my proxy.conf like: ProxyPass /lalelu http://internale/NOT_Lalelu Now in pound I couldn´t figure out how to "map" this. I can only: Service URL "/lalelu"…
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How do I expand from one server to multiple?

I work for a small business that has one web server. It's served us fine in the past but as we're getting bigger we need another server. How would I set up two servers to work together? I've read a bit about Pound load balancing, would I need a…
1 answer

How to force SSLv3 in pound HTTP Proxy

we are handling SSL with a pound 2.3 HTTP(S) proxy. Is there any way to force a client's Browser to use SSLv3? I couldn't find anything in the pound documentation ... Thanks for your insight! Cheers, Andreas.
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