Questions tagged [pdf]

PDF (Portable Document Format) is a filetype that represents a document. The PDF format was originally a closed format developed by Adobe, but became an open standard in 2008.

PDF (Portable Document Format) is a filetype that represents a document. The PDF format was originally a closed format developed by Adobe, but became an open standard in 2008.

PDF is fairly widely used for the storage and transfer of documents that are principally designed to be viewed and archived (e.g. invoices, quotes, documentation). However, the PDF standard does support editable fields, so PDF documents are sometimes seen acting as forms for the request and submission of data. The inclusion and growth of such interactive functionality has led to some fairly serious security vulnerabilities in PDF renderers, where a malformed PDF document can be used to attack a system with a vulnerable PDF reader.

Systems that automatically generate PDFs from a set of data are quite common, although developing this functionality and interacting with various libraries that allow this can be quite challenging. Similarly, systems that automatically ingest and parse PDF documents can be difficult to develop, given the large and varied PDF specification.

More details about the format can be found over at Adobe.

88 questions
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Jasper Reports pdf export rendering garbage characters in graphs

Using CentOS 7, Icinga2 2.7.5, MariaDB 5.5.56, Icinga Reports 1.10.0. I see no error in the catalina.out file but that's probably not where I need to be looking.
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imagemagic: extract bitmap images as-is from PDF

I know how to use imagemagick's convert to render the PDF and generate new images from the PDF page, including both the bitmaps and the vector images rendered on the desired resolution. But, the problem with that approach is that the bitmap images…
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Serve pdf fies in IIS

How do you get IIS5 to serve PDF files when I navigate to the file I get a 404 error.
2 answers

Problems installing pdftk on CentOS7 - libgcj issues

I'm trying to install a command line pdf manipulation program called "pdftk" on CentOS 7. I've tried several ways to get it installed and running into issues. If I try to install the rpm I get this error: sudo rpm -i…
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Adobe Reader XI Default PDF Handler Process

We currently use Adobe Reader XI in a Windows 7 environment and have been rolling out Nuance PowerPDF recently. Adobe Reader XI always remains the default however some websites have had issues- we've found the solution is to open Adobe Reader,…
0 answers

Slow PDF viewing from my site

I'm running iss 7.0 on server 2008 SP 2. When I open a 20 mb pdf in IE with the adobe plugin or chrome it's unusable slow. Right click and save is near instant. IE is slow enough that a 20 MB pdf takes over 10 minutes to open. It's happening from…
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combine multiple pdfs in linux using script?

I want to save/download pdfs from X website and then combined all those pdfs into one, so that it is easy for me to see all of them at once. What I did, get pdfs from website wget -r -l1 -A.pdf --no-parent http://linktoX combine pdfs into one gs…
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Automatic directory PDF Conversion

I need to setup a conversion service for internal user (and internal third party software). The user (or software agent) should put the file to convert (in doc format) into a given network share then the server should convert it to pdf and delete…
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Server-side print to PDF of HTML file in /tmp?

I'm working on a project where we need consistent printing of certain pages, and PDFs are made for that. The customers also like to have some local copies, so this would be a two-fold win. Things get really precarious in printing as far as where…
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Windows Sharepoint Services 3 PDF Search Not Indexing All Words

We have Windows Sharepoint Services 3 installed on a Server 2003 R2 Enterprise SP2 machine. I have Adobe Reader 8 with the iFilter installed, configured and working. I kicked off a Full crawl and I am returning PDF searches when I use the search.…
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Linux gs - not working as expected

I'm running the following command to create a PDF out of a string of images (JPG+PNG): convert -adjoin * "presentation.pdf" ; gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -sOutputFile=the_presentation.pdf presentation.pdf While presentation.pdf is…
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print PDFs to printer (NOT "pdf printer")

I'm looking for a solution, either win or linux, for printing existing PDFs to network printers (available via our windows print server), preferrably by a 'hot folder' means where I could programatically or manually add PDFs to a folder for "printer…
Alan M
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PDF reader performance on Citrix or TS RDP

I'm considering to use different PDF reader in Citrix Environment. Which company has the best software product that performs better in Terminals and Adobe? I'm considering Foxit, Nitro and Docudesk. The latency between US server and EU clients is…
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Creating a HTML index of documents (PDF,PS) for a knowledge base

I've been looking for a command line / Linux-friendly "index" generator. I want to load PDF, PS, DOC and other documents and generate a static (X)HTML frame-based interface, as a knowledge base of sorts. Essentially I will rely on the individual…
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Possible to upload weblogs to Google Analytics?

It's always bothered me that Google Analytics (and similar embedded web traffic monitoring services) can only see a reflection of the traffic going to my server and can only see page visits. If I want to track real downloads of a software package,…
Eric Falsken
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