Questions tagged [password-policy]

70 questions
2 answers

If user passwords are set to automatically expire within a Windows domain, does this have an impact on the force password change checkbox within ADUC?

Assume the following: A Windows domain has a policy set to ensure that users must reset their passwords every 90 days A user account (let's refer to it as "UserA") last changed their password just over 3 months ago, and as a result this policy is…
1 answer

ppolicy not enforced on OpenLDAP Client when using 'passwd'

The issue: Password Policy is not being enforced when I change the password using the 'passwd' command. It is enforced when I use the 'ldappaswd' command. But the OpenLDAP password still changes using the 'passwd' command The setup: I've setup an…
Ram Krishnan
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Why am I not seeing the user lockout message?

When I try to login 3 times with the wrong password (locally), instead of seeing user locked out message: su - myuser Account locked due to 3 failed logins I see this: [myuser@ip-10-10-2-53 ~]$ su - myuser Password: su: Permission…
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OpenLdap 2.4.40 Password Control implementation

I have configuration problem with new openldap server . I successfully set the password policy on the server and I setted up the overlay settings also , It work well , my only problem is the Password Controls not work . When I try with external…
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Applied DISA STIGs for Windows 7, locked out all accounts, how to get back into the box?

I see the response below, which I appreciate it, but I do not feel it qualifies as an answer. It states little more than, "You shouldn't have done that", but doesn't provide any suggested solutions, other than a general reference to using a registry…
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Cannot load compiled ltb-password-check module on Debian

I'm trying to compile and load LDAP Tool Box Project's password checker module to improve the capabilities of password policy overlay on the Debian 7.8. Here's what I've done so far: I've installed and configured OpenLDAP & Password Policy Overlay.…
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2 answers

Cannot change password policy

I am logged in as the administrator in my Windows Server 2008 computer which is a domain controller. The password policies in local security policy are grey and I cannot change them. Do I have to change the policies for the entire domain to work?…
Ant Gar
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1 answer

Disable Admin password requirement on Domain user PC

So here is my situation: My company runs a "Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition" domain server, connected to a bunch of Dell Optiplex PC's (380's, and 9020's). The older Dells (380) are connected to the domain server and do not require the admin…
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enforce password length on ubuntu with pam_cracklib

I was trying to enforce password length to a minimum of 10 using pam_cracklib. here is my /etc/pam.d/common-password password requisite retry=3 minlen=10 difok=3 dcredit=1 ocredit=1 ucredit=1 password …
Ajo Augustine
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Login authentication vanished from MongoDB install

A few months ago I enabled password protection on my MongoDB install. Today I ran the Mongo client and forgot to use my login details. Instead of rejecting nearly everything I try to do from the shell, like it should, I had complete access to all…
Robert Oschler
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2 answers

Required strength for Admin/Windows passwords

We're trying to come up with a policy for required password-strength for Windows passwords on our domain. I was leaning towards a 10 character minimum with special characters and uppercase. We have a policy so accounts lock after a number of…
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Change hashing password algorith in Jasig CAS

I configurated my Jasig CAS to authenticate user from LDAP. Now, I would to change my hashing password algorith. Where, in CAS configuration, have I to configure it? I use Jasig CAS 3.5.2 and OpenLDAP Server. tnx
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AD password not synchronising properly

I have 600+ users in AD, but only one causes me trouble. The problem is I can reset his password from AD, he can then log in to his machine. After that he would like to change his password from Windows 7, and proceeds without errors. Logs out or…
2 answers

WMI query to check setting "Reversible Encryption" in Windows XP

In Windows XP, there are two settings in Group Policy I'm looking at: Password must meet complexity requirements Store password using reversible encryption Both of these settings are under Local Computer Policy/Computer Config/Windows…
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openldap: how to implement password policies?

I would like to implement password policies for all openldap users. there are 2 things i would like to do: password aging (users should be forced to change their passwords at least every 90 days) password complexity ( users must have a password…
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