Questions tagged [package-management]

Process of installation, deletion and update the software configuration in the operating system using a pre-prepared packages.

400 questions
3 answers

Possible to collect YUM/RPM history centrally?

I have some CentOS 5.x servers which auto-update nightly via yum. Root mailboxes from these hosts are forwarded to a central address, so if new updates are installed I can see that in the e-mails. This is not a very flexible solution... Is there an…
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5 answers

Install PHP 5.6 on CentOS 7 - No package php56 available - yum misconfiguration?

I'm trying to install PHP 5.6.x on my CentOS 7.2.1511 installation. I've followed this guide: For some reason, the php56 cannot be found. I've also tried other repositories, like Remi's RPM repository, but also…
Robbert Dam
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1 answer

Trying to install golang on a Solaris 11.3 VM

I was trying to install Go (golang) on a newly minted Solaris 11.3 VM (downloaded from Oracle), but I was getting the following error: root@solaris:/export/home/jdeppe# pkg install golang-15 Creating Plan (Running solver): / pkg install: No matching…
Jens D
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0 answers

OpenWrt (Chaos Calmer 15.05.1): `opkg install -d ram` is failing

When I try to install python-xml using opkg install python-xml -d ram It goes through the following steps: Installing... [WORKS] Downloading... [WORKS] Configuring... [FAILS] The configuring step fails with errors... grep:…
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0 answers

Pinning packages in RH SpaceWalk on Centos 7?

Is there any way to pin rpm packages to versions in SpaceWalk? We have kernels running on rare hardware, compiling the kernel is a pain and we don't want or need to do it any more often than major security. There are a number of associated libraries…
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Ways to manage & automate Chromium & Firefox updates & releases for Windows clients?

Given the privacy concerns & data stealing via Chrome & Microsoft browsers, we'd like to do this for our Windows client machines. Here I am specifically asking about Firefox & Chromium and not Google Chrome.…
1 answer

Add package provider to Puppet within Vagrant

I'm using Puppet to provision a Vagrant box and would like to include a 3rd party package provider ( The in that repo shows how to use the provider within a manifest, but it assumes (I believe) a…
1 answer

After running apt-get or yum install, how do you find out where the newly installed package is?

How do you find out where your package has been installed? More importantly, where are the setting files for it (for instance, httpd.conf with Apache, or php.ini with PHP)?
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1 answer

Unattended upgrades: kernels taking up /boot space

Typically I like to have unattended-upgrades enabled in all my Ubuntu 14.04 servers (both security and updates). The relevant configuration line for my question is the following: // Do automatic removal of new unused dependencies after the…
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3 answers

How do I replace self compiled packages (php, mysql, memcahed) with yum version in centos6.5

I have at least 5 development servers (dev, QA, staging) that have php and other packages compiled from source. I would like to remove all of them and update those servers with yum packages. If I can do that via puppet or chef that will be great.…
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1 answer

How do I find out what the latest version of a package is for a given version of RHEL?

When working with for instance Ubuntu, I'm used to being able to look up which version of a given package is available for a given version of Ubuntu Server on Is there a similar resource for Red Hat Enterprise Linux? I have…
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1 answer

Prevent debian package from being removed by puppet

is there a way to prevent a debian package from being removed? I want to prevent any resolution of "replaces" and "breaks" attributes that would lead to removing that package while being able to upgrade it. Everything is fine as long as that package…
Benedikt Haug
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1 answer

rpmbuild spec file: how to have files only used during install

How do I specify in a .spec files that are only used during install of the rpm (such as .sql scripts that I feed into the database), but I specifically don't want to persist post-install? I can't omit such files from %files, as they won't get…
Display Name
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1 answer

Regular Debian server-maintenance through package updates

We're hosting multiple Websites with different Content Management Systems, also with different Versions. There are multiple Debian servers running on one esxi. I want to introduce a Windows-like Patch day every month, where we upgrade the packages…
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1 answer

Where to install custom apps and data following FHS

This is something that has always confused me. Where do I install custom apps that are written by my team? Apps like report runners, queue->database writers, etc. i.e. the apps that are the reason the node exists in the first place. These apps have…
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