Questions tagged [outlook]

Outlook is a standalone or groupware client for Microsoft Exchange. It is used for Email, contacts, tasks and calendar.

1056 questions
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MS Outlook (on Android) won't connect to postfix/dovecot - SSL_accept error

Microsoft Outlook (on Android) will not connect to postfix (SMTP). In the Android app, you will get the message that an error has occurred. On the postfix side I see that an SSL error occurred: Jul 17 19:14:54 server postfix/submission/smtpd[5892]:…
1 answer

Duplicates are being imported into Exchange Mailboxes

I am using the New-MailboxImportRequest to import .PST files into existing mailboxes. These mailboxes have emails in them that are also included in the .PST file being imported. The import request completes successfully, some needing the…
2 answers

Outlook / Exchange connectivity issues over VPN

In our company, we are currently testing whether it would be possible to work from the home office directly via the vpn without having to rely on a virtual computer within the company. This means that previously, when working at home, the user would…
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Exchange transport rule to auto-CC a distribution group, when a message is sent from that distribution group

I have what is a bit of an odd business request - we have a distribution group, and when any email is sent on behalf of that group, it needs to CC itself. Since exchange mail flow rules don't seem to allow you to directly reference distribution…
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Outlook not properly displaying html emails

After a power outage (possibly complete coincidence but suspicious) Outlook 365 (desktop version) on 3 different Windows 10 machines (same Windows account), will load but not display HTML emails. Non HTML mails are ok. I only see the first line of…
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Outlook Public Folders Performance and Maximum Capacity

I'd like to store contacts in a Public Folder using Outlook/Exchange Server 2003. Does anyone know if there is a practical limit to the number of contacts I can add to such a folder? How do public folders perform when 1000, 5000, or 10000 contacts…
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Can an owner of a group in Outlook 365 delete the email history of that group?

In Outlook365 one can create email group. People in the group can be "members" or "owners". Owners have privileges such as being able to add new members or even delete the group completely. Is it possible for a group owner to delete the email…
James K
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dovecot - preventing outlook creating folder when language is changed

I'm running a dovecot server and noticed when users changing the Windows/Office language to german Outlook creates an additional folder 'Entwürfe' - which is shown in the maildir folder as: rwx------ 5 vmail vmail 4096 Jan 16 01:55…
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Active Directory Group Policy - Allow Outlook through proxy settings

I am trying to allow access to Outlook(MS Office Standard 2016) access through an Active Directory Group Policy proxy I have created. I am allowing a specific set of websites to a specific set of workstations. I have made this work by: a) removing…
Clyde Reed
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Configuring sendmail to send email to Outlook server

Currently, I'm using Redhat distro and I can send emails to Gmail server with sendmail but when I try to use Outlook server it generates the log below in maillog file. (outlook_sender@mydomain send to outlook_receiver@mydomain) Sep 7 11:23:49…
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2 answers

Way to closely examine Outlook rules on Exchange server side

Users in my organization complain about undelivered mail very often. 80% of times the reason are misconfigured rules on user's Outlook. Is there any way to closely examine Outlook rules on server side without loggin in to user's workstation with…
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Exchange Online: ancient auto-reply message hidden somewhere and gets sent alongside current one when auto-reply is enabled

Title says most of it. Have used Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration in Exchange Online PowerShell and it only shows the current auto-reply message. But when auto-reply is enabled, one from a few years back gets sent simultaneously with the current…
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Exchange 2003 HTTP Account Error

We are trying to get one of our users connected to our Exchange 2003 server using the HTTP method as they already have an existing Exchange account on another server. The setup goes through and they appear to get connected fine however none of the…
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Migrating Outlook PSTs -> Maildir via IMAP

Our small shop has been on Exchange since forever (currently on 2003). However, we use a 3rd party managed Exchange provider and set tight limits on how much server-side storage we allow each user. The result is that our users all have additional…
1 answer

Emails automatically saving to exchange

I have a user who when they open a .msg file from the file server with Outlook if they close the file it asks if they want to save. If the user hits the no button the email is then saved to the user's email account in exchange. Does anyone know how…
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