Questions tagged [outlook]

Outlook is a standalone or groupware client for Microsoft Exchange. It is used for Email, contacts, tasks and calendar.

1056 questions
5 answers

WSS 3.0 is missing the 'Connect to Outlook' action

My current configuration of WSS 3.0 is suddenly missing the 'Connect to Outlook' actions menu item! Update: I have verified using the same browser instance loading a calendar from a different SharePoint site (hosted on a different machine) shows me…
Philipp Schmid
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1 answer

Postfix/SMTPD Relay Access Denied when sending outside the network

I asked a very similar question some 4 or 5 months ago, but haven't tracked down a suitable answer. I decided to post a new question so that I can ... a) Post updated info b) post my most current postconf -n output When a user sends mail from inside…
David W
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1 answer

How to recover outlook settings from backup?

Before we sent the Vista machine off we backed up via the Migration Wizard and with MS Backup onto a portable drive. When the machine came back with a new HDD we installed vista and ran MIG. Some clown got the MIG process backwards and overwrote…
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2 answers

Microsoft Outlook x Lotus Notes in enterprise environment

I'm working in company (several thousands client computers) using tools like MS Outlook + Exchange + Sharepoint + Communication server. Now our mother company shared the idea that everything should be moved to IBM Lotus Notes + Domino. The reason…
Ladislav Mrnka
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2 answers

How does one pass Outlook Anywhere settings from the Exchange server to Outlook clients?

Exchange 2010 server. Outlook 2007 clients. I have Outlook Anywhere enabled on the server. If I have a laptop connected to an outside internet connection not on our corporate LAN and manually configure Outlook Anywhere, it works and I am able to…
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0 answers

Permissions required for Outlook / Exchange conference room management

In outlook, when scheduling a meeting, I can see the attendees of any meeting that I schedule. Is there any way to see the attendees/organizers for meetings that are scheduled in common rooms (conference rooms)? I would assume that its a…
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0 answers

Stop Outlook from acting on IMAP Alerts

I have an IMAP server which sets an "account approaching quota" alert when an account is above 85%. For the majority of our users who are using Thunderbird, this works great as they receive the notice once to twice a day as a gentle reminder. Our…
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3 answers

Is there a way to send emails only to whitelisted contacts with exchange?

I'm looking for a way to prevent people to send emails to anyone but a whitelist of trusted contacts / trusted domains. Currently we're using an outlook macro to achieve that, but i'm wondering if there's a way to do this within Exchange ? WE're…
Florent Courtay
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2 answers

Cannot click send button in Outlook (+ Exchange) for unknown addresses

I have a very unusual problem. I have Outlook 2010 connected to Exchange 2010. This can send emails perfectly to known addresses (that is, addresses in the address book or ones that have been sent to previously). However, if I put in an address that…
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3 answers

Distributing Rules to Outlook 2003 and 2007 clients

Is there a way to distribute a client-only rule to Outlook 2003 and 2007 clients? We'd like a way for to have emails from corporate communications generate a desktop alert or perhaps be flagged for followup automatically. It would need to be…
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2 answers

Outlook - Setting Default Font via GPO?

I have a nasty feeling I know the answer to this one, however... We're looking at how to enforce a corporate standard on email, obviously outbound is the priority over internal mail. Is there any way to set the default font used in Outlook? I…
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1 answer

Disable Outlook signatures by group policy

Is there a way of disabling Outlook signatures for all users/computers via group policy and administrative templates? We are implementing a third-party centrally managed signature solution and want to turn off all signatures created within Outlook…
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4 answers

Restricting the size of Outlook pst files

Our user's email files continue to get larger requiring greater amounts of disc space. We do ask users to archive some of their email and compact the files but there is always a percentage who ignore this. And another percentage who feel that we do…
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1 answer

How can I discover which exchange server I am getting the GAL from?

In an environment with 2 exchange servers, and cached mode on, is there a way to determine which exchange server I am getting my GAL from?
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1 answer

Emails disappear when moving from Inbox to anywhere else

Whenever a client of mine has a message open, they click on Move To Folder and the list of recent folders comes up. That person selects a folder but the message does not appear in there. What I have found out was that if I right-click on the…
Jason T.
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