Questions tagged [outlook-2007]

For questions specific to Microsoft Outlook 2007 (version 12).

190 questions
1 answer

Is there any way to send Outlook meeting requests from a non-default calendar?

We have a user with two Outlook accounts. is of type Exchange; is of type IMAP/SMTP. Both are actually on our Exchange server; but since an Outlook profile can only have one Exchange account, the second one is set up as…
Richard Beier
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Client outlook account deleted on client system, Need to recover e-mails that are on server back client's workstation

I have 2 client compters running XP and MS office with Outlook 2007. I have a 2003 server running exchange. Clients e-mail account was removed on clients computer. But the e-mails are still on server as I see the mailbox with approx 14k of mail How…
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What would cause previously sent emails to be sent again from Exchange the first time someone logs into Outlook via Citrix XenApp

A few users testing our Citrix XenApp service found that several (seemingly random) previously sent emails were sent out immediately after they logged into Outlook via Citrix for the first time. The problem hasn't occurred for them since. After…
Ken Pespisa
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When send a meeting invite to a specific user, you get a undeliverable response back from another user

We have a user, where it doesn't matter who sends it, but if you send her a meeting invite through outlook (exchange 2007), you get a non-deliverable message back from another user. Same one all the time though. I checked her shared calendar…
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Multiple Users accessing IMAP mailboxes

I have what I think an unusual setup, I have a few mailboxes setup, orders, info and qa. These mailboxes are setup to allow IMAP, I then have at least 4 users having constant Outlook access to these IMAP mailboxes (qa has 8 users). Also all these…
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Exchange Resource Scheduling Display Screen

One of my clients is requesting an LCD screen outside of their conference room displaying the availability of that Exchange Room Resource. Does anybody know of an easy way to do this? I've found a few products that sync/integrate into Exchange for…
Brett G
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Calendar dates different from the original scheduler IN OUTLOOK 2007 AND exchange 2003

I am using Windows Exchange 2003 on a Windows 2003 server machine. Now I do not know what have happened, all my users using Outlook 2007 are having calendar issues. When a user in my network receive a scheduler, the date is appearing different on…
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SBS 2008 Exchange 2007 SP3 Asking for credentials - I have no hair left

I have an issue for a few days, pulling my hair. Setup is SBS 2008, latest updates, with Exchange 2007 SP3. The problem is that my domain local users are getting prompted for credentials non-stop using outlook 2007. What the credential popup asks…
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Exchange large mailbox

Im currently trying to speed up the searching of an Exchange mailbox containing over 140,000 emails. The mailbox can be accessed by users using Outlook 2007. Now we want this mailbox to be active at all time without loss of any emails. How can we…
1 answer

Disappearing Email from Outlook 2007/exchange

Email setup and working on Secretaries PC boss now wants it on his iphone and his PC set it all up as per normal ie it’s a hotmail email that was configured in exchange by his ex accountant. It pops up briefly in the inbox of the bosses devices…
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