Questions tagged [oracle]

Oracle is a relational DBMS (Database Management System) created by Oracle Corporation. It supports a large number of languages and application development frameworks. Its primary languages are SQL, PL/SQL and Java. Most questions about Oracle are better placed at the sister site

850 questions
5 answers

How to install Oracle's exp / imp binaries

I was browsing the net to find a solution, but I had no luck. :( How can I install Oracle's imp / exp binaries to my CentOS box without installing an Oracle Server? I'm accessing an existing Oracle database on another machine, so I only need a…
Dennis Winter
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1 answer

Oracle 11gR2 - How to recover from normal redundancy when 1 of 2 failure groups goes down

Background info: Oracle 11gR2 2 failure groups - normal reduncancy Each failure group associated with a single disk Failure Group Alpha is one Disk 1 and Failure Group Bravo is on Disk 2 We recently ran into an issue on one of our Oracle servers.…
2 answers

Best practices for settings for Oracle database creation

When installing an Oracle Database, what non-default settings would you normally apply (or consider applying) ? I'm not after hardware dependent setting (eg memory allocation) or file locations, but more general items. Similarly anything that is a…
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7 answers

The wisdom of exposing a database server on the internet?

The leadership of the small company I work for has gotten very excited about SaaS and is pushing our product into a SaaS deployment - I have a concern about this because part of the functionality of the product is based on the users being able to…
John Clark
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2 answers

How to install Oracle OLE drivers for use in SQL Server 2008 R2 x64

As per standard procedure we've been using for years for previous versions of both Oracle and SQL Server, I have installed Oracle's latest ODAC package, which includes the Oracle OLE driver onto our new SQL Server 2008 R2 x64 nodes. I have done the…
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1 answer

Differences between classes12.jar, ojdbc14.jar, ojdbc5.jar and ojdbc6.jar

We are planning to upgrade our application servers to a new version of JRun which is carrying with it an upgrade from Java 1.4 to Java 1.6. As part of that, we have been testing various pieces of our software stack and realized the need to look at…
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2 answers

How do you get the latest update for Java 6?

An application my company is considering buying requires Java 6. I am concerned that this is quite out of date and am recommending against the application as a result. But it seems that Oracle do still release updates for v6. They state that they…
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4 answers

How do I change a user's password in Oracle?

How do I change a user's password in Oracle?
Josh Kodroff
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5 answers

Putting Oracle redo logs on DRAM SSD for a heavy write database?

I have a Sun M4000 connected to an EMC CX4-120 array with a write-heavy database. Writes peak at around 1200 IO/s and 12MB/s. According to EMC, I am saturating the write cache on the EMC array. I think the simplest solution is to move the redo logs…
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5 answers

How can I start Oracle Enterprise manager after restarting the Red Hat Server?

I installed Oracle 11g on Red Hat Enterprise server 5.0. First time everything worked well. After creating dbora script file in /etc/init.d/ and setting all the oracle environmental variables I just restarted the server, then onwards Oracle…
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4 answers

ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified

I am getting this error while trying to create a connection pool, on my Oracle database, Oracle 10gR2. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment…
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4 answers

How to restore/import an Oracle database from dmp file?

I've recently received the dump file of the soon to be migrated Oracle Database. I've installed Oracle 10g and now I need to restore the original database. Can anyone give me a step by step procedure for how to restore it from the *.dmp file ?
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11 answers

Linux or Windows 2003 (64 bit) for hosting an Oracle database?

Copied from StackOverflow Are there any overwhelming reasons to pick one over the other? I'm in the middle. Our database administrator says that Oracle on Linux is better, but cannot present proof. Our hardware administrators only know…
Brad Bruce
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3 answers

how to imp whole database and replace current data?

I have two database, says A and B. They are same, expect the data records are newest or old. I want to exp from the newest one (A) and imp to the older one (B). when I import to the old one by the following command imp username/password file=xxx.dmp…
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5 answers

Are there any disadvantages of using UTF8 in an oracle database?

We are installing ordering a configured oracle database and they are asking us what character encoding we would like to have. The application (in Java) is in English only but users are from different parts of the world. Are there any motivations…
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