Questions tagged [oracle-asm]

3 questions
1 answer

Oracle 11gR2 - How to recover from normal redundancy when 1 of 2 failure groups goes down

Background info: Oracle 11gR2 2 failure groups - normal reduncancy Each failure group associated with a single disk Failure Group Alpha is one Disk 1 and Failure Group Bravo is on Disk 2 We recently ran into an issue on one of our Oracle servers.…
2 answers

Why doesn't my oracle asm disks show up under dbca?

I am running into a problem where I have created some ASM disks under linux, they show up when I run oracleasm listdisks, but they are invisible when I use dbca and try to Configure Automatic Storage Management.
Erik I
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1 answer

Oracle-asm RHEL 5 Kernel Upgrade Instructions?

What are the official instructions for upgrading the oracle-asm kernel drivers when performing a kernel update on RHEL 5? I can only find documentation on a clean install of oracle-asm which includes configuration. But its my understanding is that I…
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