Questions tagged [opsworks]

AWS OpsWorks configures ec2 instances using Chef for Linux and Windows

AWS OpsWorks is an Amazon service that configures Elastic Compute Cloud instances using Chef for Linux and Microsoft Windows Server

76 questions
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AWS hosted Opsworks Chef Automate - How to properly change server name

I'm in the process of writing my IaaC and am instantiating an AWS Chef Automate instance. I'm a newb when it comes to Chef server administration and Chef Automate has a billion moving parts. All attempts at properly changing the server name to now…
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AWS OpsWorks - An error occurred while stopping the instance

Last few days my script (aws-cli) is unable to stop OpsWorks instance. I didn't change anything. When I log into it shows: Status: stop_failed Message: An error occurred while stopping the instance MyInstanceName Internal Error How…
Maris B.
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How to add tag to Windows Server 2012 instances in AWS OpsWorks through Chef recipe?

My employer has a need to add tags to AWS ec2 instances started in OpsWorks once they come online. The instances are all MS Windows Server 2012 R2 Base in this stack. The goal is to add custom tags like "application":"foo" to the instances…
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What settings/permissions are required to grant IAM user ssh access to opswork instance?

In opsworks I have imported the user and marked them to have ssh/rdp access. However, I am unable to ssh into the instance once it is up as that user. And when I access the instance as the root user it doesn't look like the user has been setup. Are…
1 answer

Can I include recipes in Chef deployment hooks?

It might just be me doing something horribly wrong, but I seem to be unable to use custom recipes in Chef / AWS OpsWorks deploy hooks: # before_symlink.rb include_recipe 'supervisor' OpsWorks deploy fails with the following…
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AWS Cloudformation OpsWorks Custom Recipe SSH Key

Is there a method to pass a SSH Key through to a Cloudformation script for custom recipes repo when configuring an Amazon Web Services OpsWorks stack besides mangling the newline characters and placing value directly in the JSON script? I've been…
1 answer

Single cluster of servers handling multiple ssl enabled websites

I'm running several e-commerce websites, each is processed by the same php code which loads different configuration based on the domain that it is being accessed from. I'm trying to use OpsWorks to make scaling easier but I've run into a roadblock,…
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How can I use the apache2 cookbook from in AWS OpsWorks?

I have a cookbook that is setting up some simple apache configuration and I am using the apache2 cookbook from SuperMarket. I'm trying to run my cookbook's recipes using AWS OpsWorks with Chef 11.10. When I try to run a recipe in OpsWorks I get the…
Matthew J Morrison
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Opsworks & Chef - Customize each app deployed with same recipes

I have a set of recipes that deploy python apps to AWS instances, they work well. I want to deploy two different apps with slight differences, like one needs async worker code installed and the other does not. How should I do this? My options as, I…
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CloudFormation / Opsworks: public address of OpsWorks instance in CloudFormation template

I've got a CloudFormation template that's launching a central server instance using OpsWorks (so I'm defining an OpsWorks::App, OpsWorks::Instance, OpsWorks::Layer and OpsWorks::Stack). Elsewhere in the CF template it is launching an EC2 instance…
1 answer

How to get Get Amazon User Name / User ID from Opsworks deployment hooks?

I'm trying to convert a Capistrano deploy script to OpsWorks recipes. I'm doing so far so good, except for Slack integration. In the Capistrano script, it says John Doe is deploying FooProject from Master to Production via Slack, alerting the…
Ardee Aram
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Installing node.js on a PHP App Server (OpsWorks)

I have a PHP App Server running Ubuntu 14.04 with a stack that contains an ELB, the server, and a MySQL RDS. All of this is working as expected, but to finalise my deployment I need to install node.js. On the Chef Supermarket I have found a…
J Young
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Chef: mongodb::user_management failing in aws opsworks with "NameError: uninitialized constant Mongo::MongoClient"

I have been using the mongodb cookbook successfully to create user accounts for months but recently something has changed and I can't figure out what it is. The default recipe completes without errors and the mongodb server is installed…
Peter M
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How can I get Node.JS 0.12.0 running on AWS OpsWorks

I would like to use AWS OpsWorks and as an application layer I would like to use Node.JS v0.12.0. However, I noticed that the latest supported Node version is 0.10.33. I also noticed that OpsWorks uses a custom Node package - opsworks-node. So my…
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How I can Add variables to PHP.ini using chef

I am using redis into my project using chef. We are creating server automation, so everything is done using chef recipe's only. I have installed php-redis using chef. Now I need to add two variables into my php.ini defining my session path. Since we…