Questions tagged [opsworks]

AWS OpsWorks configures ec2 instances using Chef for Linux and Windows

AWS OpsWorks is an Amazon service that configures Elastic Compute Cloud instances using Chef for Linux and Microsoft Windows Server

76 questions
2 answers

debugging chef recipes on opsworks instances - access to custom json / data bag attributes

I'd like to use a chef-shell session on an aws opsworks ec2 server so I can test some environment and instance specific code I'd like to include in a custom recipe. For example, I'd like to see the output of instance attributes such as…
Peter M
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1 answer

What do the default opsworks cookbooks actually do?

The company I'm working for is making a move to AWS and so I've been given the opportunity to start investigating the various services they provide. OpsWorks looks really good for rolling out mass architecture changes, however the 'custom' layer…
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2 answers

Why are Amazon OpsWorks operations so slow?

I'm starting to examine Amazon OpsWorks and created a stack with a database layer and 2 custom layers. I put my cookbooks on a private git repository. I'm wondering why machines used in my scenario are so damn slow !? When booting the machines the…
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2 answers

AWS Opsworks Chef deployment using S3 Archive without making archive public

I'm trying to use the S3 Archive method to do a Chef deployment in Opsworks. I put the Chef archive in S3 and copied the address of I gave the Instance Profile used by the instance full…
0 answers

AWS Opsworks 11 does not let me add Ubuntu 14.04 instances

I am already using AWS Opsworks 11 which shows Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in the OS dropdown list. I already have running instances in layers (Ubuntu 14.04), but when I try to add new instances then it throws me an error: ServiceError: Os: is not supported…
2 answers

What is the difference between AWS OpsWorks and my own Chef server?

Is there any difference between using AWS OpsWorks, which uses Chef internally, and using my own installation of Chef? Currently I have a my own Chef server. What are the advantages or disadvantages of replacing it with OpsWorks?
Vikas Saini
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2 answers

Is there a good way to clone a whole EC2 stack to another availability zone?

I've got a dozen or so EBS backed instances of various sizes in a VPC, multiple security groups, route53 for internal name service. I'd like to clone the whole thing to another availability zone. Has anyone done such a thing? OpsWorks appears to…
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1 answer

What is the best way to share an AWS RDS instance across multiple Stacks?

I'd like to create one larger RDS instance and share it across OpsWorks stacks so I can pool the database resources across multiple applications. Here is a reference to the OpsWorks docs for configuring the data sources for an…
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1 answer

(111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream - Opsworks Rails 4

I deployed a rails 4 application in OpsWorks (Ubuntu 14.04, nginx and unicorn), when I open the homepage I'm getting a 502 Bad Gateway error. In nginx/error.log I can see this error: 2015/01/25 06:19:42 [error] 3652#0: *1 connect() to…
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1 answer

How to launch multiple AWS EC2 machines on Jenkins?

I am using the EC2 plugin in Jenkins ( for using AWS services. As of now, a job which uses this cloud label spins up a single EC2 instance. Whereas, I need to spin multiple instances for…
2 answers

How to automatically update EC2 Linux instances without downtime by switching between two instances?

In short - OS Amazon Linux or Ubuntu. One EC2 instance (or OpsWorks instance?) is running. Once a day start second instance, update it with latest security updates, install my app. Shutdown first instance. Repeat every day... AWS documentation…
Maris B.
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1 answer

How to configure network interface with chef ifconfig resource for IP determined at recipe runtime

I'm working with Chef through Amazon Opsworks and need to provision and configure additional network interfaces for some of my servers, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to properly use the ifconfig chef resource. The primary problem is that…
Michael Lang
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1 answer

Key management for HAProxy instances in OpsWorks

I'm trying to use client certificate verification in an OpsWorks HAProxy instance. The question I'm running into, and it's probably a noob issue, is how am I supposed to deploy my ssl private key to the instance without overexposing it? The private…
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2 answers

OpsWorks Lifecycle Events, I'm trying to understand Configure better

I have become the interim ops guy until the company I am contracting for finds one that knows a heck of a lot more than me. I'm going through our current setup for OpsWorks and our recipes. I noticed that our deploy recipe includes our configure…
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1 answer

Putting an OpsWorks app in maintenance mode

During the running of my OpsWorks deploy recipes, there is a period of time when the app needs to be inaccessible by the public. Is there a recommended way to achieve this? It's a Magento site, and I created two recipes. One to create…
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