Questions tagged [opends]

7 questions
1 answer

Good practices regarding discontinued software in production (OpenDS)?

How bad is it to use OpenDS, which is not actively maintained, and had the last patch in 2010, and require JDK6(which is also obsolete) in a production environment?(Although at the backend and not directly exposed to the end-users). If it's already…
1 answer

Java process (OpenDS) consumes all cpu (futex flood) - how to debug futex?

Today I noticed that my LDAP server (OpenDS) consumes 100% CPU on every available core. Fast diagnose showed me that there is a lot of ETIMEDOUT during the futex lock. How Can I debug it to figure out what is happening and how to fix…
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2 answers

Replicate From OpenDJ to OpenLDAP?

I am considering retiring some of our older OpenDJ LDAP servers and replacing with OpenLDAP. (seems to be more widely supported) I am wondering if it's possible to replicate directly from OpenDJ to OpenLDAP as an interim solution to remove the…
Joel K
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Define aliases for users in a LDAP directory

We have in our company multiple directories (Active Directory, Domino, OpenDS). Domino (and it seems AD) give the ability to have multiple logins for the same user (aliases). Is there a way to achieve the same thing with an OpenDS directory? I have…
Doc Davluz
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1 answer

Create Dynamic LDAP Group From Attributes

Not terribly experience with LDAP here. Looking for some help crafting either a LDAP dynamic group or LDAP query that I can use to create a dynamic group. Here is the goal: a groupOfNames or groupOfURLs containing all managers as members. Managers…
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1 answer

How to change an attribute value for all entries of ldap directory using ldapmodify command?

LDAP: How to modify an attribute value for all entries of directory using ldapmodify command? Looking for some syntax like below in modification input file for ldapmodify command dn: uid=*,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com changetype: modify add:…
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1 answer

Add permission to modify ds-pwp-account-disabled attribute

I am OpenAM for SSO and OpenDJ as the user directory. Our applications use the generated openssouser to modify the user directory. However, this user is unable to update the ds-pwp-account-disabled attribute. I do not see anything in the default…
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