Questions tagged [oom]

Linux Out-of-memory Killer

The OOM Killer is the Linux kernel's built in mechanism for protecting a machine from using up all memory.

100 questions
1 answer

OOM Killer on xenserver - 2832MB memory free - killing xapi

I am trying to understand why OOM killer starts killing processes when there is plenty of memory free on the server: Result of uname -a: Linux hostname #1 SMP Wed May 29 18:06:30 EDT 2013 i686 i686 i386…
W Khan
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2 answers

Linux - Logging process list during high memory usage

I'm trying to diagnose occasional spikes in memory usage on a Linux server. If the spikes are high enough the OOM Killer kicks in, which results in /var/log/messages containing a useful dump of the process list at the time. However, I'm also…
0 answers

OOM Killer when tcpdump is run in system with low memory

I am working on an embedded system with limited memory. Here is the dump from my vmstat: procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu----- r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa…
3 answers

Can't Track Down What's Causing Server To Go Out of Memory

For a few months now I've been experiencing random crashes on my 2GB RAM VPS Linode server. Someone convinced me to switch to self-managed hosting and I for some reason thought I could handle it despite having no experience in the field. I'm going…
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when is the jvm heap allocated by the OS

One of our sap systems(PI ABAP+JAVA stack) was giving performance issue. The entire 64GB configured for the machine gets hogged up(and the 8 cores as well). Every one is suspecting the java part,but i think different. The java server nodes where…
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Out of memory at 72% usage

I've a problem currently with my 48gb ram server: it ramdomly kills processes because of Out of Memory, even if it only uses 72% of it (I got this figure from my monitoring interface). (swap usage: 60%) I have investigated a bit, but could not…
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nginx / mod_passenger on linode instance with oom messages - where to look next?

I am running an Ubuntu Server that is starting to have problems. It's very lightly used but am confused to why it is now having memory issues. I've included some of the output from syslog and free -m. What is this telling me exactly and what should…
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Android java build drained 8GB of memory

I build Android-4.0.4 for odroid-x on a lenovo x220 core i7 8GB of RAM running Linux Mint 12 (Ubuntu-11.10). I start 5 jobs to build, and after a while OOM triggers and kills dozen of processes until it kills the java processes started by my build,…
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Linux oom-killer kills Jboss on Ubuntu Server (hosted Amazon EC2)

We having some trouble with oom-killer and JBoss on Ubuntu Server. What I want to know is if there a way to avoid this with extra parameters passed to the JVM or to JBoss? On the other hand, do you know guys how to add more RAM to an EC2 instance…
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Java / JBoss 5.1.0 triggers OOM Killer

I'm running a CentOS centos-release-6-0.el6.centos.5.x86_64 (2.6.32-71.29.1.el6.x86_64) box with 32GB RAM and 6 vCPUs as a virtual machine. Java is running in version Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_27-b07). Every once in a while the…
Dennis Winter
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3 answers

php-fpm invokes oom-killer

I'm seeing an issue where PHP-FPM works perfectly for a few days, and then decides to fill up all the memory + swap and invoke OOM-Killer. After this happens, the server is completely dead and you can't even SSH into it anymore. A hard restart has…
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LAMP/Postfix on Debian. Rare OOM-ing - tools to track down?

I'm getting seemingly random server hangs (specifically OOM-ing) and running out of skill trying to track this down. I'm using a Debian 5 VS with Apache/mySQL/PHP. I've got Postfix running using mySQL as well. I was ssh-ed in when it happened last…
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Xen 4.0.1 Dom0 draws too much memory by nothing apparent - ooms out when streched under 900 MB

Greetings, I've setup a new ubuntu 10.10 server for xen 4.0.1, though it included kernel compilation (creating PVOPS 2.6.32 kernel) and all the stuff by their guide - (generally include xen and download all packages needed and make world + add sata…
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MariaDB memory much higher than innodb_buffer_pool_size

I have a backend server with 1G RAM for my HTTP server and my MariaDB. I noticed the database keeps getting killed by OOM once or twice a day. Most of the time the OOM is triggered by the HTTP server, but not always. I tried limiting…
0 answers

Debian Server crashes on Shorewall restart. OOM messages in kern.log

I have been adding rules and restarting shorewall for a couple years now on this box (3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.39-1+deb8u1~bpo70+1). Shorewall version iptables v1.4.14 Mem: 3.8G 2.4G 1.4G 0B …
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