I have a backend server with 1G RAM for my HTTP server and my MariaDB.

I noticed the database keeps getting killed by OOM once or twice a day. Most of the time the OOM is triggered by the HTTP server, but not always.

I tried limiting innodb_buffer_pool_size many times, it is at 64M at this moment, but the process is still taking 40% to 60% of the server's memory.

How do I find the reason of this memory usage? It appears to be some kind of memory leak, because it keeps increasing throughout the day.

The database usually starts consuming about 7% to 9% of memory usage.

MariaDB version 10.5

  • Have you made any other changes to the configuration? Please provide the `GLOBAL STATUS` and `VARIABLES` so we can look for other things to shrink. http://mysql.rjweb.org/doc.php/mysql_analysis#tuning . I do not want to shrink the buffer_pool_size; it is already dangerously low. Can you turn on "swapping"; that may prevent the OOM killer. (or it may cause worse problems.) – Rick James Aug 02 '22 at 23:52
  • (This belongs in dba.stackexchange.com please migrate it.) – Rick James Aug 02 '22 at 23:54

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