Questions tagged [omnibus]

Chef Omnibus allows for creating full-stack installers for your project across a variety of platforms.

7 questions
1 answer

Ruby open-uri error : SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A

I am noticing an ssl handshake error when i am using open-uri module of ruby in Debian:Squeeze but it is working fine on Debian:Wheezy and Debian:Jessie Here is what i am noticing: Debian Squeeze root@0fdf024c8c42:/# cat /etc/issue Debian GNU/Linux…
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0 answers

How to disable global 2FA policy with CLI

I would like to ask if it's possible to disable the global 2FA policy (everyone need to activate 2FA before accessing gitlab) but I can't disable on the web interface because I can't activate it, it gives me everytime PIN code invalid. I tried to…
1 answer

How to configure gitlab omnibus installation to use mysql instead of postgresql

I'm trying to install gitlab (omnibus) latest version on ubuntu 18.04. And my earlier version is gitlab (source) is using mysql. I want to manually copy the tables from the old version and hence want this installation this to use mysql. Any…
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How to read gitlab-workhorse logs?

I am running gitlab omnibus installation on local server. There are certain incidents which happened and would like to see the logs in gitlab-workhorse. The files in /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse from previous day are named something like the…
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0 answers

How do I set up omnibus builder environment on vagrant centos box using chef?

I need an omnibus builder box for building a python cli package. I would like to use this cookbook, on this vagrantbox I am running this as root since the omnibus installer needs to check something using data in /opt my vagrantfile looks like…
Gil Zellner
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0 answers

Omnibus build failing on debian squeeze

I am building rpm/deb packages for a software using omnibus( The build is failing with the following error: [NetFetcher: openssl] I | Downloading from `'…
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1 answer

How do I add a copy of a git repo to an omnibus package?

I have an existing Omnibus package and source. I would like to add a copy of a directory of a git repo. So I added the following code: name "REPO_NAME" source :git => "" and the content even appears on the…
Gil Zellner
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