Questions tagged [odoo]

Odoo, (previously known as OpenERP, and prior to that, called TinyERP) is an open source integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) software manufactured by OpenERP s.a. Its most recent name change occurred in May of 2014.

OpenERP has separate client and server components. The server runs separately from the client. It handles the business logic and communicates with the database application. The client presents information to users and allow them to inter-operate with the server. Multiple client applications are available.

The server part is written in Python programming language. The client communicates with the server using XML-RPC interfaces.

Business functionality is organised into modules. A module is a folder with a pre-defined structure containing Python code and XML files. A module defines data structure, forms, reports, menus, procedures, workflows, etc... Modules are defined using a client-independent syntax. So, adding new objects, such as menus or forms, makes it available to any client.

As of 2014 the project has again been renamed to Odoo.

39 questions
1 answer

How to Apache SSL proxy to openerp 7 running in VM?

I have installed openerp v7 in an ubuntu 12.04 Virtual machine from launchpad.i.e server, web, addons. I configured SSL reverse proxy on virtual machine and my configuration for virtual host *:443 are ServerName ServerAdmin…
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Hosting OpenERP on a local server so that other networked computers can access it

I want to host OpenERP on a local server so that all the computers on the network would be able to access it via the server. At the moment, I just use localhost:8080 for the server computer. How can I change the ip address so that other computers in…
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3 answers

Alternative to OpenERP?

Is there an alternative for OpenERP that is also open source?
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Odoo v.13 - Configuring a gmail alias as outgoing mail

I am trying to configure a gmail account as outgoing mail in Odoo ERP v.13. The email supplied by the client is an alias of the original email. When testing, Odoo indicates error "535" (incorrect user/password) when I use the alias, but when I use…
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What is the latest Ubuntu or Debian server I can install on proliant dl380 G6

I would like to know what is the latest Debian or Ubuntu server I could install on a dl380 G6 server. I have to run 2 things on it. Nextcloud 20 and Odoo v14 (ERP) Would this work or not? Or have I bought too old hardware? I have seen that Debian 5…
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ODOO 10 Page wasn't loaded completely

Since a few days I can't access my ODOO instance from the external network. The home page doesn't load completely if I use a public IP address, only the logo loads. I searched in google and I found that I have to regenerate assets (Blank page after…
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Problems with redirecting in Odoo using Nginx

I have some problems with redirecting in Odoo. I configured Nginx and install Odoo but the main problem that I use external IP for which used 2 odoo instances on different ports. I need to connect through port to another odoo instance. I made it,…
0 answers

Nginx redirected too much

I am out of ideas of what is my Nginx configuration issue. I'm using these docker images: nginx, jwilder/docker-gen, jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion, odoo, postgres When I test the configuration from LAN the web app worked and the https…
1 answer

Live Chat fails after SSL Cert installation

After installing SSL Certification for Odoo so that we could get our HTTPS protocol up and running Live Chat fails. All other Apps seem to work fine. We added this to our Apache conf but it does not seem to work with Live Chat. # Comment to disable…
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running a second odoo instance on ubuntu gives "Peer authentication failed for user" error in database

i am running an odoo instance on port 8069 with database user odoo. Now i am trying to run another instance on a different port. So i created a new postgres user named project .Below is my odoo conf file. [options] ; This is the password that…
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2 answers

Kubernetes container messing files owner

I have a Debian box running Kubernetes, there I got ALL my production environment with nearly 50 deployments. My problem is that in one of the pods which is running Odoo server as a non priviledge user some files (not all of them) are being created…
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1 answer

unexpected end of file

I am trying to get revese proxy working. I followed below I am getting ginx: [emerg] unexpected end of file, expecting ";" or "}" in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ Here is the…
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Coma in url after proxy with Apache

I'm using Apache to proxy all requests from my domain to my Odoo server. Then to proxy all requests from my customers URLs to their respective databases (sub-domain of my domain). Here's what my config looks like: ################ # welcome page…
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Iptables REDIRECT rule has no effect

I have a VPS which is accessible via, running ubuntu and a minimal Python script that serves some html content. The python script is listening on port 8069. works as expected, but I also need to access the Python script from…
Ryan Cole
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definig a route to a LAN ip

I'm very puzzled by the following situation: A new system is currently being installed on our LAN (Openerp v8 - Odoo) and for some reasons the contractor is asking me to " add a host name in my router " to be able to access the url of the erp…