Questions tagged [nohup]

68 questions
1 answer

Nohup linux command waits for an additional return, how do I prevent this?

I'm running the following inside a bash script: nohup java server_program.jar & I want that to start running and go about its merry way. However, for some reason it says that it is ignoring input etc. and waits for an additional return keystroke. …
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nohup multiple sequential commands not logging output

I have a python script (which takes a lot of time to complete the execution) that I need to run several times varying the parameters. And it's executed in a remote machine. For instance and test purposes, take the following script import…
2 answers

Create nohup.out file based on date

I am using nohup command to run a java web server application. This is the command i am using: nohup java -jar WEB-SNAPSHOT.jar & This command will create a nohup.out and my server logs are stored in this file. I want this file creation based on…
Ajit Soman
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Using nohup on remote SSH script, inside the script itself

I'm trying to use nohup + redirection + background operator ("&") to run a remote script via SSH and disconnect. This works: ssh -n fred@fredbox.local 'nohup sudo /opt/scripts/ arg1 arg2 >/dev/null 2>&1 ' I want to encapsulate the nohup…
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Nohup stops script after logging out

I have to run a python script in the background in my server. I am using the command: nohup python & in the command line. Now, when after running this I close the connection and log out and log in back it fails, I see that its not…
Akshay Bhasin
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Simple progress for rsync when piping output to a log file

I ran rsync with nohup and --progress: nohup rsync --progress --[other-options] source destination & tail -f nohup.out When I'm tailing the file, I see the output with a changing last line (where the progress is being shown): folder/file.ext …
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How to kill all process on ssh logout? (Kill running Background proccess started with screen etc)

Hi i have a multiuser centos server running. There are for example 3 users (non root) - each of them have their own homedir. SSH Login is allowed (bash). How could it be reached, if a user started a background process…
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how to run nohup when prompted for password and/or input parameter

I typically use nohup like so: nohup ./ 11111 > nohup.out & Where 11111 is an input parameter. In this case, the application is prompting for a password and I'm unable to use nohup. How do I get around this if I'm prompted for a…
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Why does my command stop when I exit SSH?

I am running the following command in a loop (without notable memory leaks) as a cPanel user: nohup php ~/www/app/console.php run clean 1> /dev/null 2> ~/www/logs/run_clean.log & But when I exit SSH, the command always stops. When I do a htop as…
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nohup create multiple process

I am using nohup for the script run inotify command, because inotify stop when I exit from terminal so I want the script to run on background. so I run the script like this nohup /path/to/ >/dev/null 2>&1 & the problem is not nohup create…
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terminate a processed launched by nohup

I have loaded debian etch into my NAS and I am trying to use it to routinely extract information from a website. Since there are quite a lot of pages to download, I used the nohup command, like this: nohup ./ $ Then the script runs as…
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3 answers

Virtualbox: prevent a virtual machine to go down after I log out from the consolle I lanched the VM from

I have this problem. I login remotely to a machine with Virtualbox installed by launching: ssh -Y root@virtualbox After that, I launch a Virtual Machine: nohup VBoxSDL --startvm vm1 or nohup VBoxSDL --startvm vm1 & After that, I don't have the…
0 answers

Keeping processes alive when closing SSH connection on MobaXTerm

I'm facing somme issue when trying to keep process alive when shutting down session in MobaXTerm. I have a java process which should run on a linux server. I am using two commands, nohup and screen. For nohup, i am using the following command > …
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resume tar command when nohup/screen is not possible

I have a dataset which is quite big - a few petabytes. Untarring it into a new filesystem takes a couple days. The problem is that the server does not allow me to have a process running over 24h - it gets killed, whether I want it or not. This…
1 answer

How to use nohup properly within an ssh session invoked by gitlab-runner?

I use gitlab runner's ssh executor to access an embedded device via ssh. I want to run a script there. Basically the script invokes an upgrade routine on the device using dbus. Simple enough, isn't it? #!/bin/bash dbus-send --session --print-reply…