Questions tagged [nohup]

68 questions
1 answer

nohup - no such file or directory

I'm trying to execute the following command on my CentOS 6.3 x64 server: nohup "/usr/local/bin/php -v" The result is: nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out' nohup: failed to run command `/usr/local/bin/php -v': No such file or…
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Estimating MySQL Query Runtime

I ran a MySQL query from command line using the following: nohup mysql --user=root --password=XXXXXXXXX database < report.sql > This query is extensive (5000 lines) and running a complex search over 90,000,000 rows from 150 tables. This…
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How can I flush stdout for a process under nohup?

Is there a way to flush the buffer that nohup buffers stdout? From what I read in various places (eg. some place) is that I can modify the behaviour from within my programm. But that would be specific to each programm, and there are some where I…
4 answers

Linux process management

I started a long running background-process (dd with /dev/urandom) in my ssh console. Later I had to disconnect. When I logged in, again (this time directly, without ssh), the process still seemed to to run. I am not sure what happened - I did not…
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How to run rsync without staying logged in?

I want to run the following rsync command to transfer a folder from a remote server to my current one sudo -r -a -v -e 'ssh -p portnum' username@serverip:/home/path/* /home/path this directory is quite large in both size and structure and the…
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Remote synchronous-then-asynchronous execution with SSH

TL;DR I want to remotely execute a script that begins synchronously (so that the local ssh command fails if the preparatory commands fail) and then goes asynchronous, thus terminating the local ssh command. Details I have a script on a remote server…
instanceof me
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Move a running process in background and keep it running even if you disconnect

You already have a running process and you want to put it to run in background. If you want to be sure that this will still run after you close you ssh connection, what should you do? Note: you are already running the process at the time you want…
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trap "" HUP v.s Nohup ? How can I run a portion of shell script in nohub mode?

I want to run a shell script over the weekend, but I wanna make sure if the terminal loses the connection, my script won't be terminated. I use nohup for the whole script invokation, but I also want to execute some portion of my shell script in a…
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reattaching a process started with nohup?

Is it possible to reattach a process started with nohup? For example, start in a terminal: nohup tail -f /dev/null & Close the terminal. Now open a new terminal. How do you reattach the nohup'd process to this new terminal?
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Can I nohup/resume an existing tar process initiation in a ssh session?

First, if I stop a tar process, will it resume from where it left off or will it have to go through all the directories again (a lot of directories and files). Second, am I correctly "disown"ing this process? I ssh'd into my linux (ubuntu)…
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3 answers

how to convert a running process into a nohup and keep a logfile

I have a process currently occupying a terminal ]$ command some_argument I want to exit from the terminal and go home, but in the mean time I don't want to kill this running process. For the above running process, I want to achieve something like…
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How do I prevent a nohup process from being killed when ssh connection fails

I'm having an odd problem. I have a server process that gets started with nohup, and persists across logout and re-login just fine. However if I leave myself logged in and then get the "broken pipe" message because my laptop went to sleep I come…
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Mysterious per-session CPU limiting?

TL;DR: CPU-hungry processes are sharing cores on a multi-core server while other cores sit idle, whereas I expect the Linux scheduler to distribute jobs evenly across cores. What could cause this behavior? My workgroup has a new 4-core server…
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3 answers

How can I return to nohup after logout?

I'm working on an AIX and cannot install screen but want to use its capabilities. Basically I want to be able to run a session (maybe logout), then the same user but logged in again to be able to get it back to the foreground. I send a job to the…
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4 answers

Using nohup on Solaris 10

I need to transfer a large number of files over SFTP (only between Solaris servers) which takes a very long time. I cannot keep my PC on for this duration. I tried: nohup sftp server1 While the shell is open, I see files are downloaded. When I…
anurag kohli
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