Questions tagged [nmap]

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a security scanner originally written by Gordon Lyon (also known by his pseudonym Fyodor Vaskovich) used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus creating a "map" of the network.

250 questions
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How to check the udp port is accessible in an Ubuntu machine which is protected by a firewall

We were trying to install "Big blue button" in an Ubuntu server with a firewall. For installation, we need these UDP ports ("16384-32768") should be opened in the firewall. But we don't know whether the udp ports are opened or not in the firewall.…
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Discover IPMI IP address by scanning all possible direct LAN addresses

I have a Supermicro server board that powers on but wont post. I have connected a LAN cable to the dedicated IPMI LAN port on the board and am trying to discover what the IPMI IP address of the board is. I have tried scanning the local network…
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Firewall: How to identify forbidden ports based on a whitelist of allowed ports per target-host?

Assume I have a list of hosts I want to scan. For each host I have a list of allowed ports.;80,443;3306 The list above reads "1st IP is allowed to have port 80 and 443 open, and the 2nd IP is allowed to have port 3306…
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Apache2 not working with port 80 but working on port 8000 in Proxmox (same configuration)

Some months ago I hired a Kimsufi server, I tried to forward ports without luck. I abandon the server, some days ago I started to reconfigure everything again, but I'm having still problems. I discovered that some ports are blocked by default, but I…
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nmap - how to find port forwarding to SSH

I have a firewall that forwards port 2222 to a Linux machine running SSH server on port 2222. The problem is I do not know what the IP of the firewall is. So I want to scan the subnet to tell me which IP has this forwarded port. I tried this…
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Weird behavior of VPS host

Hi I noticed strange behavior on my VPS host I launch nmap on my laptop and scan VPS host nmap screenshot Listed netstat on VPS server netstat screenshot Tried to connect to some port connection screenshot Checked tcpdump on VPS server tcpdump…
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Why does nmap scan of same target smtp server show port 25 missing

I am configuring a new server, on a new network and struggling to get outbound SMTP to work to known mail servers. If I do an nmap scan from my existing server - port 25 shows up, but from my new server it doesn't. From existing server…
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Nmap how to split and filter this(regex)?

I think i need a regex code to filter nmap output.txt I use a tool called: Word List Updater 2.7 so this is the output: I want to filter,remove duplicates and look like this, uff sorry for my bad…
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How to disable unwanted services in vyos?

I am using VYOS server. I used nmap to scan all the open ports. PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 111/tcp filtered rpcbind 1521/tcp filtered oracle 1525/tcp filtered orasrv 14520/tcp filtered unknown According to nmap document,…
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2 answers

I cant open a port iptables - The command runs, but port keeps closed

I want to make a simple redirect of my notebook port to a VM port (in my notebook also).. iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 2424 -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 2424 -j DNAT --to-destination In another…
Rafael Soufraz
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psad does not detect nmap

I am new to this and just installed psad. I ran nmap several times on a server but psad didn't log this psad --Status. I configured it like this: My aim…
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pingdom like service to constantly monitor my firewall open ports

I have pingdom setup to constantly make sure my websites are up and let me know when they are not. Is there a similar service that will constantly monitor my firewall externally, and let me know when the open ports change?
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how do I scan all computers in my network with nmap?

I am trying to use nmap to scan the computers on my network for conficker. I am using Windows. What do I put in the target for all computer on a given subnet? It is running: nmap -T4 -A -v I put in and but it did not…
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firewalld causing nmap to return host seems down

I've two machines, server1 and server2. On server2, I stop firewalld. [root@server2 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld From server1, nmap returns Host is up. [root@server1 ~]$ nmap -sn server2 Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2020-09-02 11:27…
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Hostname and Operating System - what is the best way to do the scan?

Is it possible to run an Nmap scan that give the output for Operating system and the hostname? If so what are the flags that needs to be used?
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