Questions tagged [nis]

91 questions
1 answer

Enable DTrace on Solaris 10 using NIS group

Anyone know how to enable DTrace on Solaris 10 box, based on a NIS group. I am hoping to save some time rather than enabling Dtrace one by one for each user in the group by putting it in the /etc/user_attr. Cheers, Muhammad
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Upgrading NFS/NIS Shared `/home` Setup

I am currently managing a network of workstations running different flavours of Ubuntu. The server (also Ubuntu) runs a NIS server and exports a shared /home directory over NFS (in v3 compatibility mode). Workstations are configured to mount…
Mani M
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NIS netgroup map empty for nis client

We had a NIS master server disaster and an outdated backup for it, but some slaves. I've been put in charge without any NIS knowledge so far except a few basics. I've dumped every map via ypcat from an old slave, set up a SLES11 machine, added these…
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Possible to deny all NIS users from logging in over SSH?

Is it possible to deny all NIS users from logging in? There is no physical access to the host, so if NIS can not be configured to deny all, is the solution then to configure SSH to only allow root to login?
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NIS client cannot find NIS server (Opensuse)

I installed NIS server on head node of a virtual cluster(VirtualBox). One of the node (let's say node-1) can find NIS server and work with it, but another node (node-2) just can't find the NIS server in Yast while it can ping and ssh to both head…
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Is it safe/secure to use NIS for user and group info (no password hashes)?

I have some systems which currently use Likewise Open to integrate into an AD environment, but this creates UIDs/GIDs which are not compatible with the Unix UIDs/GIDs which some other systems use. One suggestion has been to use the central AD as an…
David Gardner
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NIS/NFS Equalent for Windows

Is there a Windows counterpart for the NIS/NFS implementation on Linux based systems where the entire user settings/ privileges / policies and most importantly the user files are stored on the server and the required user directory is remotely…
Shain Padmajan
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3 answers

NIS passwd file always empty

I've setup NIS on Centos 5.3 following the fairly sketchy documentation online, it seems to be working pretty well, however whenever I run ypcat passwd, either from the server or the client, no entries are ever returned. There's definitely some…
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Using NIS, can I allow only a subset of users to access a particular host?

We use NIS to allow all our users to connect to any of our hosts. However, for one particular host, I want to restrict the users that can log in to a subset of the NIS users. Is this possible?
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ypbind.service times out, but ypbind runs manually

I've got a new Rocky 8.6 system, and I've run into an issue I've never seen before. The ypbind.service times out when I try to start/restart, but if I run ypbind as root, it starts just fine.The client is in the securenets of the ypserver. Firewall…
0 answers

Using active directory group as netgroup in sssd

I have an active directory domain with a handful of linux servers that interact with AD through sssd. I want to have a different sudoers configuration on different servers, and I know this can be done through netgroups. So far, I've managed to get…
0 answers

How to replace NIS authentication with Kerberos: Client not found in Kerberos database

I followed the Oracle tutorial for configuring NIS and using Kerberos as the authentication mechanism. I believe I got the Realm and KDC configured and running correctly on a server that is running NIS, so ypserv and ypbind are running. On a…
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NFS automounts hang

I have been mounting NFS shares on my x86 Ubuntu with NIS/am-utils fine for a long time, but today my system got into a state where it could no longer access automounted directories and instead frequently got hung up trying to access them, returning…
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Deletion of User and home directory from NFS

I have 10 systems with opensuse installed in each of them.I have created 2 servers such that one is NIS and other is NFS , i have added lets say 5 users to NIS and their corresponding home directories were rsynced to second system (NFS). NOw i want…
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How to mount more than /home?

I have the following in my /etc/auto.master /project yp auto.project -soft,intr,nosuid /home yp auto.home -soft,intr,nosuid /nobackup yp auto.nobackup -soft,intr,nosuid When a user logs in, his home directory is mounted using…
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