Questions tagged [nis]

91 questions
2 answers

Password rules for yppasswd

I have a NIS master-slave setup and I would like to improve the password rules/complexity for it. Seems like if I introduce new rules to the NIS Master they are applicable only from there. What I mean: I want minimal password length of 9 characters.…
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1 answer

What NIS maps are needed for OSX 10.6 to authenticate?

What NIS maps are necessary for OSX 10.6 to authenticate? I have an ubuntu-sever sharing NIS, and from the OSX client, ypcat passwd, ypcat group and (as root) ypcat shadow.byname all work, and return the correct info. If I type groups kyle (a user…
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How to remove NIS server role from all domain controllers before upgrading to Windows server 2019

So we are currently have 4 2012R2 domain controllers with IDMU (Identity Management for Unix) and NIS server role installed. For NIS server role, one DC is in master mode, other 3 DCs are in subordinate mode. We need to upgrade all Windows domain…
Root Loop
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2 answers

trying to find which static port for NIS or NFS service in firewalld

On our slave NIS server we have in /etc/sysconfig/network I've set YPSERV_ARGS="-p 944" YPXFRD_ARGS="-p 945" and OTHER_YPBIND_OPTS="-p 3000" in /etc/ypbind.conf and YPPASSWDD_ARGS="--port 946" in /etc/sysconfig/yppasswdd But on the master server…
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How to set up NIS client in Docker container?

I am setting up a Jenkins master inside a Docker container. The container runs on an Ubuntu 16.04 host, which itself is a virtual machine. We use NIS for authentication in Jenkins, but I cannot get the NIS client to run in the container. In my…
John McGehee
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1 answer

Why does NIS map error prevent postfix from resolving local alias?

Postfix quit sending me mail from an Ubuntu 10.04LTS server. I spent an hour to two checking /etc/aliases, running and re-running sudo newaliases and sudo postfix reload, web searches for my issue etc. Sample log entry: Dec 9 11:35:32 localhost…
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Root denied login if networking down (on NIS/YP environment)

My 70+ hosts network (mixed CentOS, Fedora) uses NIS/YP. If networking is working OK, then no major issues occur, normally a trouble-less operation. If connectivity is lost, either by a simple loose cable, or a major problem outside my reach, login…
David Ramirez
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1 answer

NIS - Proper Format for Multiple Hosts

I'm very new to working with NIS and have been tasked with reorganizing the files. Which is the proper delimiter that should be used for a NIS file with this format: username server1:server2:server3 OR username …
Brad Germain
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1 answer

Unix services on Windows Server 2008

Looking to remove a domain controller that is currently the NIS master for our identity management for unix service. Need to know how to migrate the master to a different Windows server. When you add a subordinate it always gets recognized as a…
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0 answers

Group membership not transferred from server to client

I have a Suse Version Server with home-partitions for every user and shared partitions for different groups. Groups and group rights (3775) are defined. When the group member is logged in at the server, he is allowed to write on the…
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1 answer

NIS user not being added to NIS group

I have set up a NIS server and several NIS clients. I have a user and a group on the NIS server like so: /etc/passwd: myself:x:5000:5000:,,,:/home/myself:/bin/bash /etc/group: fishy:x:3001:otheruser,etc,myself,moreppl I imported the users and…
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2 answers

command for list users in linux system

How can i list all the linux users when the ldap autentication is cofigured? I remember that there are one command to list the /etc/passwd files and the ldap users.
1 answer

Switch from NIS/NFS to LDAP/NFS/SMB?

I'm interested in moving from an NIS/NFS server (Ubuntu) to an LDAP/NFS/SMB on an Xserve. I've been able to get LDAP and the file sharing working, but now I'd like to actually import the existing user data. How can I import the user accounts from…
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2 answers

NIS / YP make - mail.aliases Callback timed out

I am trying to add the mail.aliases map to my Makefile on my NIS/YP server. I have added 'mail' to list of maps to build, and ensured that it is pointing to the correct aliases file (/etc/aliases). The problem I am getting is that when I run make,…
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1 answer

Mac OS X 10.5/6, authenticate against by NIS or LDAP when both servers have your username

We have an organization-wide LDAP server and a department-only NIS server. Many users have accounts with the same name on both servers. Is there any way to get Leopard/Snow Leopard machines to query one server, and then the other, and let the user…
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