Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

382 questions
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need some help figuring out clamav & monit monitoring error...unixsocket

I need a bit of help figuring something out. First off, I'm not very well versed with FreeBSD servers, etc. but with some direction hopefully I can get this fixed. I'm using FreeBSD and installed Monit so I could monitor some of the processes that…
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Problem to monitor ssh service with M / Monit

In the office we have a server M / Monit to monitor all servers. In the last few days, on some servers can not monitor the ssh service. All servers have the same configuration to monitor the service and others. I tried restarting the service, and…
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2 answers

Monit Webmin service is not activating

I have written a script in monit interface for Webmin service. I can execute the process where in I am unable to restart the service. check process webmin with pidfile /var/webmin/ start = "/etc/init.d /webmin start" stop =…
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Monitoring thin with monit

I have been struggling to get monit to monitor my thin cluster for some time now. I am using 3 thin instances. These are my monit and thin config files: /etc/thin/vocab.yml: pid: tmp/pids/ log: log/thin.log port: 3000 max_conns:…
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I'm having a ton of trouble installing a process manager for my Rails app

After a long time wasted trying to get Bluepill to work for process management, I'm trying to get monit set up. I'm not a Sys Admin but know my way around *nix systems. I'm a bit stumped here. When I run the command to restart all monit processes…
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How to create monit monitor to alert when a line of text is NOT seen in a log file over a period of time

I can see how to alert when a regex appears in a log file. I can see how to alert when a regex does not appear on EVERY line of a log file. But I can't see how to alert when a regex has not appeared in a log file over a period of time. I could…
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Catching unresponsive / high load mysql, perhaps with monit?

I'm having intermittent occurrences of mysql causing high load on the machine, making the web app unavailable. I'm using monit to monitor it, but it doesn't catch the issue, apparently because it can still connect to mysql. Here's my monit script…
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Monitoring mongrel with monit

I wrote a monit.d file for mongrels which works in this version: check process redmine with pidfile /home/redmine/service/ group webservice start program = "/usr/bin/mongrel_rails start -p 41328 -e production -d --pid…
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nginx won't respond to monit

Although EngineX is running, monit can't seem to figure it out. Here's my monit log: [PDT Apr 13 02:19:19] error : HTTP error: Server returned status 400 [PDT Apr 13 02:19:19] error : 'nginx' failed protocol test [HTTP] at INET[localhost:80]…
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1 answer

Amavis + Monit: "Error receiving data from the mailserver -- Resource temporarily unavailable "

Good morning folks, I'm often getting these monit alerts, about once or twice a day: Connection failed Service amavisd Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2022 09:04:58 Action: restart Host: (hidden).com Description: failed protocol test [SMTP] at [localhost]:10024…
1 answer

Monitor free space with monit ... but only if the folder is mounted

For my backup, external disk space is mounted via cronjob as /mnt/backup on a Ubuntu machine every night. When the backup is complete, the disk is unmounted. No need to expose the backup drive to potential attackers on this webserver. From time to…
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restarting tomcat service monit

I have a Tomcat service running that fail sometimes - I did not find the reason yet. In the Catalina log I see the following: Feb 03, 2022 10:54:39 AM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause INFO: Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-80"] Feb 03,…
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2 answers

Monit restart process behavior

Monit's documentation states the following for the restart action : RESTART restarts the service and send an alert. Restart is performed by calling the service's registered restart method or by first calling the stop method followed by the start…
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0 answers

Monitor does not display the correct service status

I use monit V5.25.3 with a poll interval of 30 seconds. Monit is used for 50 services including the apache server. The apache server can be activated or inactive. When the apache server is inactive, after (configuration change) and commands: monit…
1 answer

Monit send empty mail

I configured Monit (version 5.27.1) and after a reload of monit I received an "empty" mail. I searched since many hours and I can't fiind the way... It seems that "environment variables" remains empty. But why ? (all personnal informations are…
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